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Dead Space is a 2011 mobile game developed by IronMonkey Studios and published by Electronic Arts.

It is set after the events of the original Dead Space, but prior to the events of Dead Space 2 and shows how the Necromorph outbreak spread from the government to public sectors.

Tropes used in Dead Space (mobile game) include:
  • Action Girl: Vandal!
  • The Bad Guy Wins: And how.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: The fake battery-life indicator flashing red is there to screw with players' minds.
  • Bribing Your Way to Victory: The iTunes Store has several DLC packs with suits and credits that can give you a leg up on the early parts of the game. You certainly don't need them in standard gameplay unless you want to totally break the game, but if you attempt the Harder Than Hard Nightmare Mode, it may come in handy.
  • Chainsaw Good: In contrast to Isaac, who was limited to punching Necromorphs, Vandal starts out with a one-handed plasma saw (essentially a chainsaw with an energy blade) for melee attacks.
  • Corrupt Church: You play as a newly-converted Unitologist engineer recruited to unleash Necromorphs into the Sprawl.
  • Downer Ending: After defeating the final boss, Vandal is seriously wounded and tries to get help but no one answers. The game ends with Vandal's helmet lying on the ground, with a trail of blood starting from where she was lying down. Meanwhile, Tyler reports to his superiors that his mission has succeeded, setting the table for Dead Space 2.
  • Face Heel Turn: All this time, Tyler Radikov was setting up Vandal. And boy, does Vandal get pissed off by this betrayal.
  • Foregone Conclusion: If you've played Dead Space 2, you know this game is not going to have a happy ending.
  • The Hero Dies: In Dead Space 2, Isaac discovers a recording next to Vandal's eviscerated corpse ; the aforementioned conditions in which the log is found, combined with the fact Norton notes that that was her final log, indicate she died in the end. Or does she?
  • Interquel: This game takes place between Dead Space and Dead Space 2.
  • Karma Houdini: Tyler Radikov gets away with manipulating Vandal/Karrie Norton into allowing the Necromorphs to spread throughout the Sprawl.
  • Mind Screw: Vandal's hallucinations get very creative and mind-boggling. At one moment, you think you've transformed into a Slasher Necromorph, only to find out it's one of the protagonist's hallucinations.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: This is used to jumpstart the game's events. After sabotaging the powerboxes used to control the infection, Vandal is pressed by Doctor Tiedemann to repair the emergency quarantine seal.
  • Samus Is a Girl: The shocking twist behind Vandal's true identity in the ending proves that this trope is not dead yet.
  • Sanity Slippage: Vandal struggles with this throughout the game.
  • Schmuck Bait: That battery life indicator that flashes red while fighting a Brute? It's just there to play with your head, nothing to worry about.