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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Frank is obviously out of his mind, but remember that, as far as we know, Lizzie is the only person Frank ever saw on a regular basis who is still alive. It paints a slightly different picture of Frank's behavior.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome:
    • Pretty much the entire chase scene while the gang was on their way to the grocery store: Every other page had at least one of the main heroes do something totally awesome.
    • In strip #300, Lizzie remembers when she first met Monday (And the fact that he stiffed her on the bill), corners Monday, then makes him pay for the meal right there.
      • YMMV. This troper thought that the Zombie Apocalypse was not even close to the appropriate time to be bothering him about such nonsense.
    • This update.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Often interlaces with the Crowning Moments Of Awesome, especially strip 300.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming:
    • After killing a clumsy assassin, Monday finds a young girl trapped in a closet. After freeing her, he goes out of his way to return her to her parents while protecting her from zombies.
    • Lizzie's kitty, Cuddles. Everything he does to try to reunite with his owner is just adorable.
    • Rest easy, comrade. Your shift is over.
    • A flashback Lizzie has features her dad telling her where ice cream comes from (it involves pirates and Santa Claus!). Later, she tells this exact same story to two children who couldn't have been any older than she was when she was told about the history of ice cream.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: This troper surely wasn't the only one who played "Sympathy For the Devil" in sync to the part where Monday's attack on the bank is juxtaposed with Lizzie and the kid on the roof. Starts here.
  • Memetic Mutation: BROFIST.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Arlen when he brutally double-crosses the heroes with Chantelle only a few steps behind. This soon comes back to bite them in the ass; Lou's disabled van leads one of Monday's fellow hitmen to their door.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Holy Jesus Frank!
    • Screw Frank. The rest of use are more concerned with the implication that the local military is kidnapping women in order to... "repopulate" the world after "the end." Or what about what happened to Arlen's wife and how it has deeply traumatized him?
  • Tear Jerker: Enter Trenton, a cop so unbelievably badass, you'd swear he was Axe Cop in disguise. Not even a few scenes after it's established how awesome he is, Trenton sacrifices his life to save Lizzie and Alice; by blowing away zombies and making peace with God.