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Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here. Writing me in a good way is kinda hard, one wrong step, and you end up making another Dudepeel. Eew!

Anyway, these are fanfics about me that are VERY AWESOME, signed by some Tropers (and me), so you better go check'em out! Goahead and add a fanfic of your own to the list, but use the template here!

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

But enough trivialities, just go read awesome me as written by other people!

Authors, and Websites[]


  • Recommended by Monkeypizzasonic
  • Writes some wonderful Cable/Deadpool one-shots and multi-chapter stories, archived here.
    • Let Slip The Dogs of War, inspired by the alternate universe seen in C&D 15 where Cable became War.
    • Good Intentions, a PWP that eventually evolved a plot; unfinished.
    • Summers'son, a high school AU with Nate and Wade. And it's good.
    • One-shot Post-Second Coming fic, or "A meditation on the inevitability of life, the meaninglessness of death and what a total jerk you were about it, by Wade Wilson". Fluff.

Cable and Deadpool Kinkmeme

  • Recomended by Monkeypizzasonic
  • Mostly slash of the Cable/Deadpool varity, but a lot of other people get in on the action as well. (Does it count as self-promotion if it's hosted on my LiveJournal?)

General Fics[]

Deadpool's Awesome Fanfiction by Emeraldjewel

  • Recommended by Love Is Weird
  • Synopsis: The merc with a mouth, in his usual awareness of the continuity, realizes that he is in a fanfiction and decides to correct some common issues with the medium.
  • Comments: This is Deadpool at his fan fic best. He's totally in-character, it has a Parody Sue (who gets killed, of course, this is Deadpool we're talking about), and he's hyper-aware. Twilight-bashers, go forth to the second chapter. PG-13, it has guns.

Shipping Fics[]

Nemesis by lex-n-karu

  • Recommended by Madkatter, redbess
  • Synopsis: Movieverse Wolverine/Deadpool. No, keep reading. Seriously.
  • Comments: The piece linked is the first in a series, which this troper highly recommends reading all of. Lex-n-karu's writing is hilarious and their characterizations are believable and nuanced. Hell, she makes the pairing plausible. Read it!
    • Comments: Madkatter has it right, PLEASE don't let the pairing deter you. Most of the slash is just implied and there's nothing more explicit than some kissing and groping. It's funny, terrifying, heartbreaking and satisfying.
    • Comments: This is really well done, highly recommended!

Bodyslide by Two by anonymous

  • Recommended by anonymousEDward, feral
  • Synopsis: From the Cable and Deadpool kinkmeme - Deadpool begins to receive some interesting mail on Providence. Cable/Deadpool.
  • Comments: This fic is freaking hilarious, no matter how many times I read it. It's just so ... you've just got to read it.

Reversed Roles by Tintenschwert

  • Recommended by Kereea
  • Synopsis: Deadpool's the sane one.
  • Comments: A combination crack and shipping fic, it has a sort of Slice of Life (on some random mission) with Deadpool as sane and Cable as insane. while it's short -leaving several aspects of the sanity swap unexplored- it is still very good and a fun read of Cable x Deadpool shippers.

Marvel Adventures Cable and Deadpool (and Hope)

  • Recommended by Monkeypizzasonic
  • Synopsis: Based in the happy and positive MA universe; little Hope spends a day in New York with Daddy Nate and Daddy Wade. Special guest stars and massive fluff ensues.
  • Comments: I cannot even begin to describe how damn cute this is. The author says "This was mainly written in my pink-papered Tinkerbell notebook, using a Hello Kitty pen, while watching Lilo & Stitch." It's that kind of fic.


Dead Note by CreamCheeseAlchemist (Death Note Crossover)

  • Recommended by feral
  • Synopsis: Deadpool meets Light Yagami. 'Nuff said.
  • Comments: And this, class, is what we call snark.

Thinking In Little Green Boxes, by DireSquirrel (Harry Potter Crossover)

  • Recommended by feral
  • Synopsis: On the night baby Harry was supposed to go to the Dursleys, someone screwed up the addresses and dropped him off at 4 Privy Drive, currently inhabited by one Wade Wilson. Ten years later, Harry gets his Hogwarts letter.

“Don’t worry, this can’t possibly be as bad as the time he stole Dr. Doom’s credit card and bought everything under the sun.”
In Latveria, a certain monarch was looking at his visa bill.
"Who dares defile DOCTOR DOOM'S credit score?"

  • Comments: Yes. Harry Potter as raised by the Merc With a Mouth himself. The world will never be sane again.