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What? You never thought I have a heartwarming moments do ya?

  • Gail Simone (I love ya, baby!) gave me a great CMOH in #69- my secretary Sandi had a boyfriend who had her fall down some stairs. A lot. When she wound up in the hospital, I decided it was time to pay a visit to him. I made sure to teach him some manners.
  • Another Simone one -she really made me even more awesome and heroic, huh? SUCK IT WOLVERINE!- had me persuade Black Swan to fix Ratbag's broken mind. It worked, and I got to be The Hero in my final issue.
  • Back in the Joe Kelly days, i had a heart warming moment with Bullseye of all people. He gave me a heart to heart when i was in a slump.....Well, as close as a heart to heart two Psychos For Hire can have. Check it out
    • Also, back when I sorta died, Bullseye went to my funeral. D'awww.
    • And he actually shed a tear when we said goodbye for the last time. Aw, I think I'm gonna miss him.
  • The first and last panel of Cable and Deadpool have me sitting in my apartment watching TV. The difference? In the first panel, I'm alone. In the last, I'm surrounded by friends. And it only took me 50 issues to get them!
    • Nate and I had a lot of fluffy moments too, especially since I busted my ass to save his a few times. Turning on the X-Men to save him because I maybe kinda sorta believed in him, working to hook him up with an alien baby monster to bring him back (after I fried his brain. He told me to!), saving his adorable baby self from Mr Sinister...