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What's this page for?! I never cry! Well, except maybe when Bea... *sniff*

  • Back during my Weapon X days, I met the rejects and became buddies with them, Worm especially. We got a kick out of me making fun of our tormentor, but the laughter quickly ended.
  • When Cable's plan to be martyred didn't go so well, it got worse.
  • "That's the sort of thing people say when they're going to… die… and that's not you- you hear me! That's not… 'Nessa?"
  • Do not say thank you. Do not say you're proud of me. Do not say goodbye. Doubles as Crowning Moment of Heartwarming
    • And then he told me my fly was unzipped. And said it all anyway when I was out of earshot. Big jerk...