A card game by Fantasy Flight Games in 2010, based in the board game Space Hulk. Just as in the original, in this cooperative game the players take the role of a squadron of Space Marines in the Grimdark world of Warhammer 40,000 who have boarded a space hulk and cleanse it from the very very dangerous genestealers, while fighting in the narrow corridors of the ship.
Tropes used in Death Angel include:
- Anyone Can Die : It doesn't matter how powerful a character is or how many support tokens he has, one bad roll and he´ll turn into genestaler´s food.
- Badass : the players take control of Space Marines in terminator armour, being among the toughest bastards in the whole galaxy.
- The Berserker : Brother Claudio on Heroic Charge. He automatically kills three genestealers, turning him incredibly useful in tough spots, but if you roll a 0, he dies.
- BFG : Brother Leon´s assault cannon.
- Cold Sniper : Brother Deino.
- Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu? : Intimidation.
- Drop the Hammer: Sergeant Gideon´s thunderhammer.
- Elite Mooks : Broodlords.
- Kill It with Fire : Brother Zael.
- Mighty Glacier : Sergeant Gideon, big time.
- More Dakka : The Full Auto action, allowing brother Leon to attack three times.
- Oh Crap : Happens a lot more than you would think.
- Power Fist : Brother Valencio.
- With Catlike Tread : Stealth Tactics involves moving silently on armour that weighs more than 200 pounds.
- Wolverine Claws : Brother Claudio.
- Zerg Rush : One genestealer usually isn't a threat. Pile up three or four of them and things quickly change.