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  • Crowning Moment of Funny: The "penis cookie" scene.
    • Smoochie: IT'S A ROCKET SHIP!!!
    • There's also Randolph crash-tackling the man asking for donations to "save the Rhinos!"
    • "Hey, little nipple-nibbler! The rhino's a Nazi!"
    • "When my brothers and I played cowboys and Indians, I was always the Chinese railroad worker." Totally different caliber of joke from the rest of the movie.
    • "You got da hammer, Roy?" "I always got me hammer, Tommy." - pretty much every line from the Irish mob.
    • Randolph: She's right, you've got to keep your dignity intact - (spills coffee on himsel) - OWW! MY BALLS! They're on fire!
    • And when asked if he's alright after stopping a sniper from killing Smoochie: "Well, I'm pretty fucked up in general, so it's kind of hard to gauge."
  • Jerkass Woobie: Randolph. He's vulgar, psychopathic and, in his own words, "f@#ked up", but all he needs is a hug and some love.
  • The Woobie: Spinner. This Troper just wanted to give him a big hug when Smoochy was accused of being a nazi.
  • Writer Cop Out: The ending was WAY too happy for a dark comedy. Clearly someone wussed out.
  • WTH? Casting Agency: It would take a movie like this to cast Harvey Fierstein as a gangster.