A 1966 English language film directed by Vic Morrow.
While incarcerated in a hellish French prison, petty thief Lefranc (Leonard Nimoy) competes with his cellmate Maurice (Paul Mazursky) for the attentions of their third cellmate, the murderer Greeneyes (Michael Forest).
This movie provides examples of :[]
- Everyone Wants Bad Boys: Greeneyes is in for murder; Lefranc and Maurice are both in for lesser crimes. Neither one can stop talking about how awesome Greeneyes is.
- Character Filibuster: Greeneyes.
- Downer Ending
- Flash Back: To the robbery that landed Lefranc in prison.
- Ho Yay
- Murder the Hypotenuse: Lefranc finally snaps and strangles Maurice.
- Selective Obliviousness: Greeneyes assumes that when his cellmates look at him in a not-quite-heterosexual way, it's because they're imagining what his girlfriend looks like.