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Decap Attack was a weird Platform Game released for Sega Genesis/Megadrive in 1991, and probably the only game in existence which starred a headless mummy. However, it began its life as a totally unrelated Japanese game called Magical Hat Flying Turbo Adventure, based upon the Anime Magical Hat. It received a total uplifting before coming to US and Europe, and became a wacky horror adventure set in an island shaped like a human body.

The story is, as always, pretty simple: the demon Max D. Cap emerges from the underworld and breaks Body Island into seven parts. Mad Scientist Frank N. Stein creates a headless mummy named Chuck for the sole purpose to try and defeat Max and rescue the island.

Decap Attack was adapted into a long-running comic strip in British magazine Sonic the Comic, which brought the zaniness of the game Up to Eleven.

Tropes used in Decap Attack include: