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Defense Devil is a Japanese manga written by Youn In-Wan and illustrated by Yang Kyung-il. It is serialized by Shogakukan in Shōnen Sunday since April 22, 2009.[1]
Kucabara was recently banished and stripped of his powers. In order to regain his powers, he needs dark matter which is found from human sinners. He decides to become a Defense Devil in order to get dark matter. A Defense Devil's duty is to prove the innocence of human sinner of his or her crime. Once that is done, a Defense Devil shall be allowed to take the sinner's dark matter. Kucabara then must prove the sinner's innocence before a Shinigami takes the sinner to hell. One day, Kucabara's friend Funi arrives and tells him the demon world is in dishevel and Kucabara must return to save it.
Needs More Love. Totally.
It has since ended at 100 chapters.
- Aborted Arc: There is one instance where Schugarl is addressed as "Gary Peter Schugar" by Father Selma. It is never brought up again, nor is it even made clear whether it's an alias Selma merely provided for him or a hint at a former identity.
- Accidental Pervert: Kucabara all the time with Idamaria.
- Father Serma peeks on purpose though.
- Genderflipped version with Jupiter and Shugarl, due to some confusion with the newly transformed women-to-men-shower room the little girl Jupiter ends up in the shower room alone with a very naked Shugarl. It's up to the reader to interpret what exactly she saw and/or understood due to the steam but the girl is still blushing long afterwards.
- Accidental Unfortunate Gesture: A little girl that Kuccabara saves, Jupiter, gives him a cross which is deadly to demons as a thank you gift, and then leads him to the girls shower when he could not touch the cross.
- Later, the cross finds it's good use in the demon world.
- Actually, I Am Him: Kucabara to Idamaria
- And the Adventure Continues...: Now Kucabara has to save God from falling into disgrace.
- Badass Adorable: Aside from Idamaria, THIS
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Brillheart either has this, or is wearing very tall tights.
- Better to Die Than Be Killed: Legato applies this to the whole Demon World.
- Bishounen: Phoenix and Legato fit the 'beautiful' part very well, less beautiful and more goodlooking/handsome/whatever are the rest of the main male cast (Kucabara, Shugarl).
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Father Serma has a variation of Type 1: think the Sword of Conviction, and you have Serma's weapon.
- Break the Haughty: Shugarl got one.
- Cheerful Child: Kucabara's sister Bird, which carries on to her illusion of herself after her death.
- Church Militant: Idamaria and Father Selma
- Clothing Damage: Lots and lots both on male and female (but leaning more on the fairer sex) which results in a lot of Fan Service.
- Complete Monster: Believe or not, Legato just barely subverts this. That is, if you believe he's a Well-Intentioned Extremist instead of this trope. Now Elimona is revealed to be this for a long time already.
- Christian Car: Jody
- Dark Is Not Evil: Kucabara embodies this trope; he constantly presses the fact that he's a demon, and he uses Dark Matter to supplement his powers, but he never does anything evil.
- Dead Little Sister: Bird, who was an Ill Girl before her death.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Not so much friendship as ally in the war to save hell, but after Kucabara defeats Shugarl he starts to actively appose Legato.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Shugarl after meeting Jupiter.
- Also Father Selma, who can't bring himself to kill Idamaria to destroy the demon inside her.
- Deliberately Cute Child: Legato. But honestly at first, only deliberate after he has to play the 'bad little brother' per their father's request.
- Demon Slaying: Idamaria does this. So did Selma for a time, when he was trying to come back to life.
- The Dulcinea Effect: That would be this line here.
- Ecchi: The amount of Fan Service, BOTH male and female, is...yeah....
- Mr. Fanservice: Random girls on the street guess Shugarl is a model when he strolls down the street, some of the scanlation group are already his fans and he does give the female portion of reader a nice amount of fanservice.
- The Exile: Kucabara
- Expy: Legato looks suspiciously similar to a certain one-winged angel of Final Fantasy fame.
- Appearance-wise we could compare Kucaraba to L, and Shugarl is like Light with slightly longer hair (Death Note, anyone?).
- Facial Markings
- Fairest of Them All: Brillheart
- Final Solution: Bichula's village
- Fire-Forged Friends: Kucabara and Idamaria, Kucabara and Bichula at first.
- Fire and Brimstone Hell: Every Hell is different, since every Shinigami gets to make their own version of Hell for the victims they bring back. This one is Maya's version.
- Genre Shift: The series starts out as a court drama in hell with a demon fight near the end of every story line. Now it's a shonen fighting manga with a bit of ecchi. And is now sort of shifting back to court drama.
- Good with Numbers: Shugarl is so good with physics that he can cause power lines to break by flicking away his cigarette the right way. Doing equations also allows him to attack people with his demonic abilities.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Shugarl, to save Jupiter's parents.
- Hitman with a Heart: When tasked with killing Catherine (Idamaria), Selma simply can't bring himself to do so, and instead cares for her like she was his own daughter. This comes back to bite him in the ass four years later, when the church he served discovered the deception.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Shugarl and Jupiter
- Improbable Weapon User: Shugarl with his books and math.
- Jerkass: Most of the Shinigami
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Bichula loves this trope.
- Shugarl in recent chapters also shows tendency to be like this.
- Heel Face Turn: Shugarl, Samus.
- Kill All Demons: When Idamaria goes insane.
- Light Is Not Good: Holy crap, is it not. They even contested God when they had the chance!
- Liquid Assets: Brillheart steals youth.
- Luminescent Blush: Idamaria sports these a lot when Kucabara is not getting a case of foot in mouth disease, and when he is being an Accidental Pervert.
- Magic Pants
- The Messiah: Kucabara. Takes it to some pretty dumb lengths sometimes, like here.
- Moe: Jupiter and to some degree, Idamaria.
- Ms. Fanservice: Elimona loves to cosplay as slutty occupations not like as strippers, but teachers, police, ect.
- Idamaria get's seen naked or changing a lot, but she is not happy about it.
- All relatively attractive female character old enough get one scene or another.
- Mundane Utility: See Supreme Chef.
- Naughty Nun: Idamaria. It's inevitable when a Church Militant meets Ms. Fanservice.
- Noble Demon: Kucabara. And Bichula.
- Nonhuman Humanoid Hybrid: Kucabara is the offspring of the devil king and an angel, who was banned from heaven.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Kanto
- Also, Legato. "If you can't protect it, destroy it", indeed
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Kucabara about Elimonia's true form and the plot of the entire story.
- One-Winged Angel: Quite litterally done by Elimonia
- Panty Fighter: Pretty much inevitable, when Idamaria's battle outfit involves a skirt.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Brillheart, who is over a thousand.
- Retired Monster: Father Selma, formerly known as Kanto.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Kucabara, when his mentor Dukov is attacked. Seriously, holy shit.
- Royally Screwed-Up: Kucabara's family. Most of whom are either dead, missing, or banished.
- It is later revealed that only 2 survivor remains and all of them is caused by the angles Light Is Not Good indeed.
- Not as screwed up as they appear to be as later chapters reveal that they all care for each other a lot.
- Say My Name: One heartwrenching example would be Kucabara screaming Legato's name when Elimona shoots a hole into Legato's abdomen.
- Shinigami
- "Shut Up" Kiss: In the last chapter
- Sixth Ranger: Samus
- Super Drowning Skills: Kucabara. He can actually swim, it just gave him a chance to get mouth to mouth with Idamaria.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Idamaria and Kucabara
- Supreme Chef: Shugarl becomes one using his intense skill in mathematics and physics.
- Thanks for the Mammary: Kucabara ends up groping Idamaria after Elimona teleports him into her shower for some reason.
- And it happens again, with a random ample female when he is transportet to the human world to prove someone's innocence.
- That Came Out Wrong: About 80% of Kucabara's opening lines to woman. He keeps doing it with Idamaria though.
- Tomato in the Mirror: Idamaria is Lilith, the goddess of hell. She doesn't know this for the majority of the story.
- Tsundere: Idamaria and to a lesser extend Samus. She does shoot all the enemies while claiming she is aiming at Kucabara.
- Training From Hell: Ironically, it's for a demon and a nun!
- Unexplained Recovery: After getting her hands on the potion Apocalypse, Idamaria manages to barely escape death and brings back to life Shugarl, Bichula and Legato.
- Double-subverted with Legato when he gets himself impaled in the chest in the next chapter. Then it's revealed later on that he barely avoided death and is still alive.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: Kucabara's friend, Funi, is killed off in the exact same chapter he's introduced in.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Legato pretty much.
- What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic
- Wreathed in Flames: Phoenix, of course.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: This is what happens when you do it right.
- ↑ It can be argued that it is a manwha due to the ethnicity of its creators. However, like Black God, it is considered more proper to call it a manga due to the location of its publishers, its target audience due to the right-to-left orientation, and the definition of both terms that imply that the original publishing country of origin is a deciding factor. Do not contest over this in an edit war. If you feel that the need to start an argument over this, bring it over to the discussion page.