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This is the character sheet for Degrassi. Characters are group by class and "tenure" on the show and main character/credit status (aside from some of the "top-billing" college kids who share a folder). The series was retconned in season 10 to the 2010-2011 school year even though the last class to graduate was the class of 2008. So for simplicity's sake, we're still grouping the cast by class and age group. To help keep your scorecards, each Class folder lists what season that class graduated in.

Before adding an entry, please use the Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment. Please also avoid sticking "YMMV/Your Mileage May Vary" onto a trope, and don't shoehorn vaguely apropos tropes for characters as well. And don't complain about characters you don't like or vice versa. If there's a entry you feel that needs dispute, take it to the discussion page.

Also, this character list does contain spoilers for the entire series, so please tread lightly or not at all.

Due to page length, the page has been split into the following.