Declan in Degrassi. After attracting girls like moths to a flame in Season 9 and spending the summer with Holly J, he's now in prep school in New York while she's back at Degrassi. I just realized this means he really, literally does have a Girlfriend in Canada. Really. Honest. --Nlpnt
Same troper, just realized the Tagline "Degrassi: It goes there" was a Stealth Pun since the show's named after a city street.
Season 1 of Degrassi had Emma ordering a veggieburger for Sean. Okay, harmless, except for the fact that he might be allergic to soy and she has no way of knowing this. (Then again, soy is everywhere]].) Season 3 had Rick ordering a salad for Terri. In the case of Emma, this and her "healthy eating" experiment foreshadow her eating disorder, but it also implies her relationship with Sean is unhealthy in some way.
Degrassi: After Fiona comes out as a lesbian, her apparent envy of Declan/Holly J is not directed at Declan, but at Holly, which explains her kiss with Declan: she was trying to break them up so that she could have Holly J to herself.
Degrassi's new uniforms have quite a bit of Fridge Brilliance in the details:
Blue and yellow are the school colors, red was probably assigned to Grade 11 to make us think one of them (coughsEli) would be the next to die. But purple seems an odd choice, unless you remember that the old Degrassi Junior High's colours were blue and purple. Snake, of course, remembers this - he went to school there.
Girls get a choice of skirt or pants, but there's no corresponding item that guys can wear but girls can't, because Audra Torres probably had a hand in the new policy, and while she trusts Simpson won't make Adam wear a skirt, neither is she willing (consciously or otherwise) to give Adam something else to establish his masculinity with.
The uniform looks better with the cardigan than without, especially from a distance. Tamp down raging libidos and improve the school's image in the community = ugly and unappealing clothing when viewed as one would another student in school, everyone all nice and preppy when viewed as one would a random kid walking or riding the TTC to school. Check and check.
Degrassi: "Snake" Simpson was 15/16 when he walked into the boys' bathroom and saw Claude's dead body with its' face blown off. A couple years later, one of his best friends killed a child while driving drunk and went to prison for ten years. During his teaching career, he's seen a school shooting leave a promising young athlete paralyzed and a bright, well-liked kid stabbed to death in the street, seemingly randomly. Within his first few months as principal, he had to deal with a hazing incident, punish a hate crime that could've led to devastating injury as mere bullying (involving the same Mama Bear as the previous one), and discovered narrow aversions of prostitution, rape and another knifing-in one night! Tell me, what runs through this guy's head when he tries to sleep at night?