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  • When Holly J complains to Spinner about her father losing his money, he starts to list all of the horrible things he's been through ending with. "Do you have ball cancer? I did. And if I can get through all that, you can get through this." Can double as a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, as its the first time Holly J opens up to someone and they listen. Making it one of the first times Holly J is treated as human by someone else.
  • "I could do us up some fake IDs. Take you ladies on a pub crawl!"
  • Lost in Degrassi.
  • In one episode, several characters are at a movie theater, conversing during the trailers before the film starts; if you drown out what the characters are saying, you can hear one trailer start off as "...In a World where Men are Men and Women are Women, One Eunuch holds the key to saving the earth..."
    • In the opening of season 4 they're in a drive-in seeing a movie that appears to be about a woman in a Mexican wrestling mask wielding a whip fighting zombies. Canada has some awesome super heroes apparently.
  • J.T.'s "Supah Fly Fries" commercial. Paws of my fries, dawg!
  • When Anya and Holly J are at the outdoor Pizza restaurant, Anya knows that her crush, Dr. Dorian, is going to be there. When he arrives, Anya asks Holly J to pretend to choke for her, that way she can ask if there is a doctor there, hopefully getting Dr. Dorian to come over and "rescue" Holly J. Since Is There A Doctor in the House is now pretty much a Discredited Trope and is now usually subverted in the way Anya plans, nothing really seems out of the ordinary; just your usual Degrassi romance hooplah. That is until the show decides to re-subvert a subverted discredited trope by having there already be a doctor right behind them when Anya asks if there is a doctor there. Anya gives a befuddled look, and then loudly whispers "SIT!" to the other doctor so Dr. Dorian will be the one to come over.
  • Ellie drunkenly calling Caitlin Ryan a slut... during a live interview, no less.
  • After Riley consults a man on how to "cure" his homosexuality, he tells Fiona about it at school. Fiona responds negatively, and says something along the lines of "Riley, you can't cure being gay" to which Riley in turn Narm-a-rifically replies SHOUTS back with "TOO BAD YOU CAN'T CURE BITCH!".
    • Or in the same episode when Ms. Hassafrass tells him about the LGBT club, to which he replies, "What is that, a sandwich or something?"
  • Jane and Mia's (and Holly J, after she arrives) conversation in the library during "The Curse of Degrassi" special.
  • Holly J's rap during the mini 'If Jay can't be happy.'
  • The look on Anya's face when she says that Holly J may be her only straight friend.
  • Jake demonstrating how much he can eat. After shoveling a plate of food down, Clare's mother offers more:

 Mrs. Edwards: Dark or white meat?

Jake: Both, please!

    • And not ten minutes later, he's downing some of Dave's nachos, prompting Clare to ask, "How are you still hungry?!"
  • "Are you high?" "Yes ma'am. Very!"
  • Alli's card to Dave: "Pwease fowgive me? Come to my house later for a suwpwise! PS: not sex."
  • Eli and Fiona. The Locker Roll Scene. You know it. Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming for their friendship, as well as being unbelievably Adorkable.
  • When Jake and Clare find out Glen and Helen are dating. Their reactions are priceless.
  • "More bread?"
  • What do you get when you combine a slow chat system, txt spk, a young sarcastic actor, and a Fan Dumb that Does Not Understand Sarcasm? This.
  • In Time Stands Still after Jimmy gets shot Spinner says "He was my best friend." in which Jay nonchalantly replies "Either outcome, I'd say he WAS your friend." Oh Jay, so dark and true.
  • Bianca taunting her terrified friends up at Jake's cabin:*

 "The killer wants a virgin! Katie, Clare, sacrifice yourselves!"

  • Adam's commenting on his mom taking Bianca under her wing and her reaction:

 Adam: Aw, look at that mom. You finally got the daughter you always wanted.

Mrs. Torres: *unamused* So not funny.

Adam: Actually, I think it is.

Mrs. Torres: Okay, let's go for dessert. Adam's treat!

Adam: Uh, wait, I don't actually have enough money!
