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Forgive me father why should ya bother
Try honesty, try honesty
Hop in your dump truck, leave us for good luck
Ride over me, ride over me


A Plot[]

Holly J misses Declan very badly. She even dreams of their kiss one night. When she wakes up, Declan Skype-messages her and invites her on a road trip, but Holly J is too busy to meet up that weekend. She's busy also looking for a regular job, and her mom drops some information on job fair at Little Miss Steaks, a steakhouse restaurant. Holly is a busy counting her change, and Fiona assures her that she'll be rich once she marries Declan. But Fiona is forgetting to part where Holly J has her own career.

At the job interview, Holly J does well but she's not liking her prospects future-wise. She goes shopping with Fiona to ease her stress. While going to chat with Declan on Fiona's laptop, she spies a Facerange pic of Tinsley kissing Declan on the cheek. Fiona fills Holly J in on Tinsely's School-Bicycle status and Holly J is mortified. She decides to go on the trip. She sacrifices her job position to go on the trip, and Skypes with Declan but Declan is a little hesitant on letting her come. In the background of Declan's chat window, Tinsley is there hanging out with him, fencing. Holly J is convinced Declan is cheating on her. While talking with her mom, Holly J realizes that she's been sacrificing a lot of her wants and needs to be with him. She leaves a heartbreaking message on his voicemail, breaking up with him. The next day, Holly J gets a message from Fiona to meet her at The Dot, and she rushes to meet...Declan.

B Plot[]

Eli is driving his hearse to school, and Fitz and his buddies are hanging out in his parking space. Eli demands him to movie and Fitz pulls off the hood ornament off Morty (the hearse's name). Eli and Fitz stare each other down, and Adam even pops off a good insult towards Fitz. Later in the day, Fitz pushes Adam into lockers and Eli stands up for him. Fitz and Eli get into it again, but a teacher comes and they break it up. Eli wants to badly take Fitz down, but Clare isn't so sure and wants Eli to ignore him.

The next day, Clare tries to appeal to Eli to just apologize to Fitz. Eli reluctantly agrees and goes up to Fitz to smooth things over. Fitz just laughs and then just kicks him in the balls. Eli is of course angry and wants to take him down. He comes up a devious plan. He promises Fitz to make him a fake I.D. as a olive branch. However, he creates a fake I.D. out of a wanted criminal's information. Adam is hesitant, but Eli is clear on wanting to teach Fitz a lesson.

C Plot[]

Dave is feeling down about being led on by Alli and his general position on the Popularity Food Chain. His friends Connor and Wesley try to cheer him up, but Dave is down on himself. Connor and Wesley come up with a plan to boost Dave's spirits -- to enter themselves in the upcoming Band Slam, despite not knowing how to play instruments really. Wesley can play the flute, and Connor can DJ and he writes lyrics. Dave is kinda peeved that they entered him in the Band Slam but perk up when he's the lead singer and it can get them some popularity. He tries to sing Connor's lyrics (about an online relationship), but he's a flat out horrible singer.