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My body is a cage
That keeps me from dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key


A Plot[]

Adam and his stepbrother Drew are being driven to school by Mrs. Torres. Adam wants desperately to join the other kids in regular gym instead of recreation class. Mrs. Torres refuses, saying she wants Adam not to get hurt and fly under the radar at a school. Also, Adam's grandmother is coming in from Windsor to visit -- and Mrs. Torres wants Gracie to join them. Adam is insulted, and says that Gracie is dead and gone.

Adam and Eli are hanging out and he reveals that he has a crush on Bianca, who's in recreational gym with him. In gym class, Mr. Minard gets his attendance sheets mixed up and calls Adam by his birth name. Adam is mortified, especially since he was trying to get close to Bianca. During class, he voluntarily partners with Bianca, awkwardly hitting on her. But Bianca is impressed, and invites Adam to hangout, but then Adam has to again awkwardly rush away -- he runs off to his locker and grabs what he needs but bumps into Clare dropping his case -- and spilling out his tampons.

The next day, Adam is getting ready for the day and slicking back his hair and binding his chest. Drew jokes that it took him less time to get ready for school as a girl and Mrs. Torres slips up and refers to him as girl as well. Adam rolls his eyes and Drew tells him to get used to that especially since Grandmas is coming into town.

Later, Adam meets with Eli and Clare and tells them the truth. That he was born a girl's body, but he is FtM -- Female to Male transgender. After a few curious questions, Eli and Clare are cool with his secret. However, things change for the worse when Adam flirts with Bianca. After they both flirt, Bianca playfully pats his chest -- and touches his breasts. Disgusted, she rips off the front of his shirt in in the middle of the hallway. She looks at him and says "I've seen freaks like you on Oprah." Adam, shocked and embarrassed runs off. Later, Adam goes to the boys bathroom and runs into Owen and Fitz. Owen and Fitz hassle him about being in the boys bathroom and pick him up, carry him out and throw him through the school's double doors, breaking a glass pane.

Drew hears the rumors and confronts Adam about not staying under the radar. He finds out what happened to him and is pissed. Adam tries to pull him out of it but he confronts Fitz and Owen and throws a punch at Fitz. Fitz retaliates and beats the hell out of Drew, while Owen restrains Adam. After he's done, Fitz leaves Drew beaten on the fence. Adam goes to check on him, and Drew seems angry at him for getting thrashed.

B Plot[]

Anya's mother is feeling under the weather, and Anya thinks nothing of it. In class, she's assigned with Sav and Holly J for a group project. They decide to do the volcano at Pompeii, to which Anya agrees. Sav and Holly J are apprehensive about working with Anya since the both of them are going out. After school Anya and Leia come home to see Anya's mom not there -- and she left her wedding ring. Leia immediately suspects that Anya's mom is having an affair.

Anya confronts her mom on her disappearance and affair and Anya's mother reveals that she had to take off her wedding ring in order to get an MRI. She's just getting checked out, and she and Anya have a laugh about it. At school, Anya's mom has news for her and tells her to come home. Anya's mom and dad reveal that her mom has a follow-up appointment -- and it could be something serious.

C Plot[]

Dave is a master at being a Teacher's Pet, so he tries to work his magic on Ms. Oh to get a better grade in Media Immersion. Ms. Oh doesn't fall for his charms and he decide to get more info on her. He and Wesley scope her Facerange profile and see her love of motorcycles, her boyfriend...and her bikini pics. He decides to do his blog assignment on motorcycles and during his presentation, he shows the class a couple of her Facerange pics. Instead of finding it funny, Ms. Oh is furious because Dave didn't fulfill the requirements of the assignment and embarrassed her.