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If I tell the world
I'll never say enough
Because it was not said to you
And that's exactly what I need to do
If I'm in love with you


A Plot[]

Fiona is adjusting her dress in the mirror. Holly J comes up and she sees Holly J in her Little Black Dress. They're going to Milan to see a fashion show to celebrate winning the trial. Holly J needs to be zipped up to which Fiona does, while admiring Holly J in the mirror. Fiona tells her she's beautiful and Holly J says Fiona is luminous, but she's missing something. Holly J drapes a necklace around her and gets close to her. Fiona tells Holly J that she loves her and Holly J says she loves her too...they look into each others' eyes and they move forward to kiss...Then Fiona wakes up.

The next day at school, Fiona is still overjoyed at winning her trial. Holly J comes up and they exchange niceties. Fiona wants to celebrate, but Holly J is planning on hanging out with Sav later. Fiona sighs and Holly J says she has to spend some time with him. But she'll make it up to her with a sleepover: romantic movies, popcorn and all. Before Fiona says yes, she sees Adam in the background. She still hasn't talked to him since rehab and she starts a conversation with Adam. She asks if he got her letter and thanks him for getting her help. Fiona says that she missed him and invites him over to watch moves and Adam obliges. It's a date.

At Fiona's apartment, Adam asks why he was invited and teases if Holly J will be jealous. Fiona snarks that she's out with Sav and Adam knows the feeling hanging out with Eli and Clare. Fiona winces and realizes she was embarrassing with them and Adam teases her that she kinda was. Fiona acknowledges it was a dark period and how alcohol masked her feelings. Adam still thinks her drinking was also related to his transgender status to which Fiona vehemently denies. She says it wasn't because he's physically female, just being close to someone in general. She says that she likes him and Adam is elated. Later, she and Adam start to make-out. They chat in between kisses and Fiona misses being comfortable with him. She fumbles under his shirt and says that he's so soft. Adam promises he'll get a six-pack, but Fiona likes the fact that he's "both." Cue the soft romantic music stopping. Adam demands to know what she meant. Fiona says she likes how he's the best of both words. Adam bluntly tells her he's a guy. Fiona says she's trying to say she likes him, but Adam is pissed. Does she like him, or the fact he's stuck in a girl's body? He accuses her of using him to deny the truth. He tells her to face the facts: She wants a girl. He leaves in a huff leaving Fiona hurt and confused.

The next day at school, Fiona talks with Holly J at lunch. She says maybe the sleepover isn't a good idea. Holly J teases her about wanting some Adam time, but Fiona says that's over. She thought she liked him. Holly J says why can't she like who she likes? Holly J then perks her up saying the sleepover will be awesome with movies, popcorn and gossip. At the sleepover, Fiona and Holly J are cured up on the couch, watching The Notebook. Fiona asks if that's what falling in love is like. Holly J says it kinda is...she says with Declan she felt like she could do anything. When she got sick, even though Sav was there for her, it was hard not to call Declan. She says that love makes everything feel okay. She tells Fiona that she'll find her love. She excuses herself for bed and Fiona then starts to sob.

Later, she stares at a bottle of champagne she hid before rehab. Her mom comes in and is discouraged but Fiona says she wasn't going to drink it and hands off the bottle. Mrs. Coyne asks if Holly J is okay, to which Fiona says yes she's okay -- more than okay. But she's still worried. She then confesses to her mother that she loves her. As in loves. She then comes out to her mom, saying she'll never felt that way with a guy. Mrs. Coyne is a little stunned but she's accepts her and just wants her to be happy. But Fiona can't be happy, she's in love with Holly J and it can't go anywhere. And she doesn't want to be like what she was before. Mrs. Coyne reassures her that with all she's been through, she can make it through this. Fiona then goes to bed, lies next the Holly J, and cries.

The next day, Holly J's going through her dialysis and Fiona visits her in the hospital. Fiona has something to tell her -- she's gay. Holly J is surprised and asks if she always knew. Fiona says that deep down she knew, she just thought she would eventually find the right guy. She says her mom was great with her revelation and Declan wouldn't be surprised. She regrets how she used Adam, but Holly J tells her that stuff like that takes time to work out. Fiona asks if it will change anything and Holly J tells her she loves her no matter what. Holly J asks if there's a love interest but Fiona says right now, she's happy to have her friend.

B Plot[]

Anya and Chantay are talking about Owen at The Dot. Anya says that Owen apologized to her and was very sweet about it. And maybe she overreacted on because of his actions with Riley and Zane. She even reveals that Owen said that he liked her. Chantay is perplexed and asks what is she going to do? Anya reveals that she'll help Owen get back into the class. Chantay gives her some serious side-eye.

The next day at The Dot, Owen "runs" into Anya again and thanks her for letting him back in the class. Anya happily accepts his takes, and then Owen grabs her into a hug and sniffs her hair. Anya is all You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!?! Owen thought she was cool with him, and Anya says she's far from it. Owen says that he thought she was over herself and Anya is pissed. She asks just why do are their only two options for girls: either she likes you or she's a bitch. Owen rolls his eyes and says any girl would like his flirting. Anya openly asks the girls at the dot if they would like flirts from a sexist Jerkass. The girls sit in silence. Anya tells Owen he has his answer. Owen, embarrassed leaves The Dot saying he'll find someone. Anya hopes he'll get it one day.

C Plot[]

Alli is meeting with all the struggling Grade 10s in the cafe. In typical Alli fashion, she didn't tell them the true reason they're meeting up -- she said they would win a prize. Drew asks her about the prizes and Alli reveals the prize: free math tutoring for the standardized test. The group groans and Alli explains that every thing at Degrassi is on the line but Drew sneers and says there's nothing in it for them. The group leaves, and Alli realizes she needs a reason for the group to care.

During the school's announcements, Alli announces a school-wide dance if the Grade 10s nail the upcoming test and free tutoring to help them pass. Clare is stunned, especially since Alli hasn't cleared it with Simpson. Alli is then called to the office and Simpson is amazed that she's caused trouble after being at school for one day. Alli explains that she needed a reason for the students to care about the test. How else is she going to get people to study? Simpson says that you don't trick them into doing it, you have to hope they do...Alli says that she just wanted to help and begs Simpson to give it a chance. Simpson decides to let Alli and the school prove themselves.

At school the next day, Alli tries to get Drew on board with the tutoring but he's not hearing it. He doesn't even care about the dance. Alli says that Drew is a athlete and leader and people will follow him, but then again he's not exactly popular nowadays. Bianca then comes in and asks if Alli got them the dance and Alli says she can't unless Drew's willing to do well. Bianca then tells Drew to make the dance happen. Alli smirks and says she'll see him at tutoring. During a montage, Alli and Clare tutoring other kids and Drew appears with Bianca in tow. Alli tutors Drew and they smile and laugh, much to Bianca's chagrin.

The next day, the test is on. The grade 10s and Drew breeze through the test. After a few agonizing hours, Simpson happily shouts the news: they passed the test and raised the school's points! He signs off on the big dance. Alli is ecstatic and she tells the happy news to Drew and they almost hug but catch themselves. They shake hands and even Bianca is impressed. Alli smiles as she's congratulated by the rest of the school.