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Don't let me get me

I'm my own worst enemy

It's bad when you annoy yourself

So irritating

Don't wanna be my friend no more

I wanna be somebody else


A Plot[]

Alli arrives at Degrassi driven by her father, smug over what she did to Bianca. She finds Drew waiting for her. He covers for her, saying he's on the science team. Clare is upset Alli forgave Drew so easily, but Alli tells her he's on probation and some people deserve a second chance. She also says she's the one who sent Bianca's naked photos to everyone. Clare is shocked, and Alli thinks it's what she deserves.

In the science class room, Connor and Wesley get a look at Bianca's photos on their phones. Alli smugly tells her that Bianca must have sent them herself. Just then, Bianca comes in the room and accuses Alli of sending the photos. Alli plays dumb and asks just how she can't prove that. Bianca gets mad and punches Alli in the face. Alli holds her nose and throws papers into Bianca's face. She then throws her into the ground. They Cat Fight all over the classroom until Principal Snake comes and breaks it up and tells them both to go to the office.

Alli's parents are called and Mr. and Mrs. Bhandari come rushing to the office. Snake and Alli's parents talk about Bianca's and Alli's conflict. He mentions the seminar and Vegas Night. And the fact Drew is her boyfriend. Alli is stone-faced and in shock. Snake puts the incident in Alli's file and her father asks to see it. Alli is wide-eyed and mouths to Snake "No", and Snake empathizes with her, but unfortunately he has to reveal all. Her parents find out everything, her HPV clinc's note and her sexting escapades. Mr. Bhandari can't not even look at her, and Mrs. Bhandari apologizes for Alli's behavior. All three leave the office for home upset. Alli is suspended for the day and she is angry as hell at Bianca and that her parents know everything. Clare tells her she shouldn't blame Bianca for this mess, not to mention she wasn't responsible for Alli's folder. Alli goes home and Clare tells her to hang in there.

At home, Alli's mom finds her diary and demands that she opens it. Alli tells her no, it's private and Mrs. Bhandari tells her she doesn't get privacy after all she's done. Alli sighs and tells her mom the contents of the diary. She had a boyfriend last year and had sex with him. She thought she caught something, but she didn't. Mrs. Bhandari is stunned and ashs if it was it Drew. Alli shakes her head sadly — she tells her it was a different boy. Alli's mom shakes her head and tears up and walks away. Later, Alli peeks in on her parents talking about how much they have failed as parents. Alli upset and how she disappointed her parents and how they think she's dirty. Sav pops in and gives her some advice: her parents still love her and maybe they need a reminder.

The next day, at school Alli is being escorted by Sav. Holly J tells her that she can't blame Bianca for the boiler room incident and Sav reminds her if it wasn't Bianca it would've been someone else. Alli lets it sink in, and decides she needs to fix things. When she talks with her parents, she presents a resolution: Boys make her do dumb things, so maybe if she went to an all girls school and leave Degrassi.

The next day, Alli is cleaning out her locker. Drew comes up to her and is surprised she's leaving. Alli tells him that she needs to get away and fix things with her parents. And she tells him it's over and done. He messed up and so did she — she became the kind of girl who gives guys like him second chance. As Drew walks away hurt, Clare comes up. She's in tears and Alli is crying as well. Clare reminds her of just who Alli is, and how she'll always be her best friend. Alli hugs her, tells her to wish her luck in the new school.

B Plot[]

Jenna thinks her The Next Teen Star winner's spot is hers. Chantay comes up and tells her she was so shocked and that the whole school is talking. KC comes up and is furious that Jenna revealed her pregnancy on the show. He admonishes her for using her pregnancy to gets votes. Jenna snaps back that he is the one who abandoned her and he doesn't get to tell her what to do. Jenna's revelation meanwhile as paid off (or so she thinks). Her fanbase grew, and she's getting stuff animals sent to her in care of Degrassi.

She gets a text from KC to meet her at The Dot. Jenna comes and sees KC...and his mom. KC's mom reminds her just how hard being a parent is, especially as a teen. Jenna thinks she'll be set once she wins the competition. KC reminds her that she might not win, and Jenna tells him that he was the one to pretended it wasn't happening and KC shoots back that she's the one who pretended it wasn't happening until it was too late for an abortion. Jenna leaves The Dot in a huff saying she can take care of herself.

At The Next Teen Star living taping, Jenna is being interviewed and comes across as sweet and and toughing as a single mom. Unfortunately during the results show, she ends up in the bottom two. She's shocked and hopes she can stay. The host reveals the result — Jenna's has been voted off. Jenna is stunned. After the show, she's in tears now that her dream has coming crashing down. The host gives her some advice, to maybe talk to her baby daddy for help.

Jenna meets with KC's mom. Jenna tells her that she was right and she had her head in the clouds. She's afraid and scared that she may not be a good mom. She considers adoption and KC's mom tells her there's time for that decision. She reassures that she'll be there for her if KC isn't.