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Hit me like a ray of sun |
Outside the school, Power Squad is still selling wishing stars. Jenna is still enamored with Sav and planning to take him away from Holly J. Chantay is surprised Sav and Holly J are going out, and she knows everything. Adam then comes up to them and hands them invites to the anti-crackdown party. Jenna knows just who to invite. Just then, KC comes up to Jenna all apologetic about missing the pre-natal class. Jenna dismisses his apology saying that Sav has done more for her then one day than KC has since he got her pregnant. She still has her eyes on Sav.
In art, Adam's passing out the invites and gives one to Fiona. Fiona is interested, and Adam reveals he did it for her mainly. Fiona promises that she'll be there.
At lunch, Wesley has the perfect plan for keeping control of himself during his date with Anya. He planning on taking her to dinner and then the secret party. He also has special pills to make him "in control of the situation." Dave just laughs at him.
Meanwhile, Sav meets up with Jenna after getting her text. Jenna thinks he's avoiding her and thinks it relates to Holly J. She tells him that she warned Holly J off. Sav sighs heavily and and tells her he doesn't like her like that. Jenna then has a spectacular Freak-Out about her embarrassment. Sav calms her down and asks just what she did she tell Holly J.
After school, Wesley, all dressed up and proper, surprises Anya with his way over getting to their date — a limo. Anya is a little cautious considering her earlier escapades in a limo. She's also a little anxious about what else Wesley has planned for that evening.
Meanwhile, Sav and Holly J are talking about Jenna and having a good laugh. Sav then tells her that he wouldn't keep anything like that from Holly J and Holly J feels guilty. She then tells Sav that when Declan visited, they slept together (well, not really.). She admits it was a huge mistake of her but Sav is angry and played. He accuses Holly J of still having feelings for him and walks off.
In the lot, Adam, Clare and Eli are preparing the lot of the party. They clean up the abandoned church, make seats, and clear the garbage. Adam is beaming, and Clare asks him just how special Fiona is to him. Adam replies that he likes her so much it hurts. He hopes she's worth all the hard work.
Sav is sitting on the steps and Jenna stops by to join him. She asks him about Holly J, and Sav tells her that they broke up. But since it was a fling, it didn't matter. Jenna asks if he loves her, to which Sav says nothing. He's not sure if he can forgive her. Jenna wants to help badly since she thinks she ruined things between them.
At dinner at Little Miss Steaks, Wesley is trying to stay clam but then Anya shows up wearing a nice dress which doesn't help matters. Holly J then brings them their appetizers angrily. Anya then grabs a deep-friend cheese stick and eats it (which translates to Erotic Eating in Wesley's Slo Mo point of view.) He reaches over accidentally spills water onto her lap. Wesley is mortified and Anya plays it off coolly. She goes to dry off and Wesley takes his pills.
At the bus stop, KC and Jenna are stuck together. Jenna is crying about how she messed things up between Holly J and Sav, and how she stole KC and how that ended up. KC takes a deep breath, and tells her that he still wants to be with her. He apologizes for acting like a Jerkass when he found out about her pregnancy. He tells her that he loves her and Jenna tearfully says she loves him too. They kiss and KC asks just how can he make it up to her. Jenna wants him to help her clean her mess.
Back at Little Miss Steaks, dinner is done. Anya's ready to part, but Wesley can't leave his seat. His face is contorted in pain and he tells her that "it can't go down" and his heart is racing. Anya is a little shocked but she recovers and rushes out the restaurant with Wesley in tow to get him to a doctor. While Wesley and Anya walk out, Jenna and KC run in and Jenna begs her to talk to Sav. She apologizes for earlier and she tells her Sav loves her. Holly J is downcast, but perks up when Jenna tells him he'll be at the secret party DJing. Holly says she can't go to to the party due to work. Jenna then begs Holly J's boss to let go in the name of love. Holly J's boss is feeling the love and let's Holly J have the rest of the night off. The group piles into the limo with Anya and Wesley to get to the party. Wesley arranges for the limo to drop him off at the hospital.
In the ER, Wesley is in the waiting room with Anya. Wesley thanks Anya for staying with him, and apologizes for being a doof. Just then Dr. Chris comes up and says hello to Anya and asks how her mother is doing. Anya says she's doing great. Dr. Chris smiles slowly, then leaves. Anya reveals to Wesley that she likes Dr. Chris despite him being older. Now who's the doof. Anya tells Wesley that he'll make another girl so happy and that date was the sweetest date's she's been on. He then gives Wesley a kiss. Wesley tells her to fetch some coffee while they wait on the results. While Anya leaves, Wesley motions over to a nurse to get Dr. Chris.
At the party, Adam, Eli, and Clare marvel at the atmosphere and spectacle. Sav is playing his music and KC comes running up to him, telling him Jenna's having the baby. Since he did pre-natal with her, he needs to come right away to help her. Jenna is in the limo squealing and Sav is freaking out. But Jenna reveals that she was just faking it. She waves goodbye and leaves. Sav is about to get out, but Holly J who's in the limo tells him to stay.
Anya comes back with the coffee but Wesley is nowhere to be found. She instead finds Dr. Chris waiting for her. He tells her Wesley convinced him to stay and have coffee with her. Anya is giddy and the both of them leave. At the party, Wesley reveals the nice thing he did to Connor and Dave and they congratulate him, especially on getting a kiss.
The party is going very well, but it's missing someone — Fiona. Adam calls her and gets no answer. He's bummed out, but determined. He leaves the party and tells Eli he's looking for a princess.
Holly J and Sav are talking. He asks her just why did she sleep with Declan. She explains she did what she did (well maybe, more like what Declan did to her.) because Declan made her feel like a princess but also pressured to be a certain person. She tells Sav that with him, there's no pressure and that's what she needs right now. And it took making a big mistake for her to realize that. She pleads for him to forgive her, but Sav is silent. Holly J walks away, but Sav is right behind her. He tells her that after she cheated, their casual relationship turned out to be not so casual. Holly J asks if he can take her back. Sav doesn't know...he may have to test it out with a kiss. They both kiss.
Clare and Eli are chilling in a hammock, looking at the stars in the sky and wondering about their wishes. Eli looks at her and tells her his wish already came true. They both wonder about how Adam's doing. Adam is outside Fiona's building, calling her and getting no answer. He leaves her a message hoping she's okay. He leaves, heartbroken. Back at the party, Jenna and KC share a dance and KC tells her she's the most beautiful girl there. Jenna ask if they can live happily ever and KC says that he hopes so. The party continues around them as all the couple slow dance into the night.