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Some boys take a beautiful girl, |
A Plot[]
Spike breaks the big news to Emma one night: she's dating Mr. Simpson. Her Media Immerison teacher. Emma doesn't take the news well. The next day at school, she's complains to Manny about her mom's new beau. Manny is shocked, but Emma waves off her concern. She's fine with her mom dating Mr. Simpson. Or so she thinks.
In Media Immersion, Emma and Manny whisper to each other about her mom and Mr. Simpson. Manny can't blame Spike, Snake's kinda cute and Adorkable. After class, Snake pulls Emma aside to talk to her about him dating her mom. Snake wants to make sure she's okay and things won't be awkward. Emma says she's fine and she thinks it's great. She makes a beeline towards the door. Emma still feels weird, and outside class she bumps into Craig. Craig asks them out to the Back To The Future seniors dance, but Emma says she's staying home with her mom. Manny teases Emma about Craig liking her.
At the juniors early evening dance, Emma and Manny run into Snake who's spinning records. He even pulls out a record from The Zit Remedy. Snake stills tries to appeal to Emma, but Emma is still freezing him out. At home, she has a Girls Night planned with her, Manny, and her mom. But her mom has other plans: with Snake. He sprung her last-minute Elvis Costello tickets. Emma is upset with her mom and Snake intruding in her life. She thinks she and Manny need some excitement too...by crashing the senior dance.
Emma and Manny get dressed for the dance. Manny's dressed as a quintessential Valley Girl and Emma's rockin' a Cyndi Lauper outfit - but gags when she realizes she looks like her mother in the getup. Back then, her mom was cool and didn't date dorks. The girls bring up Craig's crush on Emma and Squee over him. Speaking of Craig, he's going to the dance as Sid Vicious. Joey asks him if he's bringing anyone special. Craig says there was this one girl...but she canceled. Joey has the perfect thing to compliment Craig's look — a fedora. Craig says no.
Outside Degrassi, Emma and Manny try to sneak their way into the dance. They run into Craig, who helps them inside by sneaking in the back way. They make it on the dance floor and have a great time. When it's time for the slow dance, Craig approaches the two girls awkwardly and asks Manny to dance. Emma and Manny are in Stunned Silence. Manny is happy, but Emma is burning with rejection. She leaves the dance early and heads for home...and catches her mom and Snake making out on the steps. She clears her throat and Spike and Snake turned shocked at her. Spike asks why isn't she in bed and Emma asks her why aren't they in bed. She runs into the house in a huff.
Spike and Emma argue it out in her room. Emma is upset that Spike withheld the truth from her about Mr. Simpson and Spike says that she's allowed to find someone she cares about. Emma says it isn't allowed...because she has her. Spike softens and tells Emma that she's the most important person and things won't change. Emma says that things already changed - her mom and Manny. Emma tells her about what happened at the dance. Spike takes it in and says Manny didn't plan anything with Craig, just like she didn't plan anything with Snake. Spike asks if she's going to be okay with Snake, and Emma says she still isn't sure.
B Plot[]
Degrassi is planning the big Back to the Future dance pulling out all the stops. The event is being hosted by radio personalities and they're having a break dancing contest — first prize is tickets to a Toronto Maple Leafs game. Liberty and Ray...er...Mohammed break it down over the announcements. Spinner and Jimmy are planning to win the break dancing contest, with Spinner's tunes and Jimmy's outfit. They're preparing to win...until they see new kid Marco busting a move in the hallways effortlessly. Paige tells them to throw in the towel, especially after Spinner shows off his lame dance moves. Paige whispers to Jimmy to go solo for this one.
Jimmy tells Spinner his plan to dance alone while Spinner supplies the music. Spinner accuses Jimmy of being jealous of his moves, and Jimmy tells him he dances like a wounded polar bears. Spinner then accuses Jimmy of being racist — he can't dance because he's white. Polar bears are white, and he's white so Jimmy is racist. Jimmy tells him he can't dance, not because he's white, it's because he sucks. Spinner tells Jimmy that he's going solo at the dance and Jimmy tells him the same.
Dance night. Spinner is practicing his dance moves dressed as a '80s hip-hop breaker. While he's not looking, Jimmy, dressed as Michael Jackson, tight pants and all, switches out Spinner's music CD. On the floor, Jimmy and Spinner trade barbs and Jimmy leaves his breakdancing clothes in the gym...and Spinner swipes them. The dance contest is up next and Jimmy can't find his stuff and angrily confronts Spinner. But the dance contest is now, and Jimmy has no time. He struts his stuff on the dance floor, wowing the crowd...until he splits his pants. Jimmy rushes off the dance floor and it's Spinner's turn. He prepares to dance...but out of his boombox, soft contemporary music comes out. The crowd chants for him to dance, but Spinner is frozen. The dance ends and Jimmy's outside, stewing. Spinner sits next to him and they both watch as Marco goes home with the tickets and girls surrounding him.