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I have stood here before inside the pouring rain
With the world turning circles running 'round my brain
I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign
But it's my destiny to be the king of pain


A Plot[]

Marco is gearing up to run for Student Council President, but Dylan is getting tired of being stuck in the closet with Marco. To add to Marco's problems, Alex decides to throw her hat into the Student Council President ring after getting into it with Paige. And to top it off, Dylan breaks up with him on the phone. While being upset over the break-up, he comes out to his mom. The next day, Alex reveals her master plan to win the election: to out Marco in front of the school. "Who would you rather vote for, the freak or the queer?" Marco's mother, who suspected all along that Marco way gay, accepts his sexuality and she and his dad encourage him not to drop out of election. Marco pleads to Alex to not go with her plan, and his words turn her not to out him and Marco makes a rousing speech to unite the school. He wins the election, and picks Alex as his VP. He also gets Dylan as a boyfriend back, and Dylan promises not to pressure him to come out to his dad.

B Plot[]

Emma is primping in the mirror and is over her ex-boyfriend, Chris. That is until Libery takes an interest in him. Emma flirts with Chris but she isn't so much into Chris as she is jealous and embarrassed that Chris would date Liberty after her -- and how she would be viewed by the school. Manny relays the news to Liberty, and Liberty tells Emma to go to Hell.