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Now the clouds have covered o'er
And the wind is blowing cold
I don't need anybody
Because I learned to be alone
And anywhere
I lay my head, boys
I will call my home.


A Plot[]

Ellie accidentally spends the night with Sean in his pad. While frantically rushing out the door not to get caught by her mom, Sean asks her to move in with him. Ellie just can't leave her mom in her state, and the upcoming faculty/parent open house isn't alleviating her stress. At the open house. Ellie's mom basically makes an ass of herself in front of Ashley's gay dad and partner and Mr. Simpson and confronts Sean. Later that night, she nearly burns down the house in a drunken stupor. The house isn't fit to live in at the moment and Ellie convinces her mom to let her stay over with Ashley, but she goes to stay with Sean.

Sean and Ellie throw a house party and everything's cool until Ellie's mom shows up and drags Ellie out the party and slaps Sean in the face. When they arrive at their house, Ellie is furious and confronts her mother -- and reveals for the first time to her that she cuts herself due to her drinking. Ellie's mother is distraught, but she realizes that she has to do. She goes to rehab, and Ellie is allowed to live with Sean. And she buys him a gift -- a ferret!

B Plot[]

The Spirit Squad is holding a car wash to earn money for new uniforms. Manny, the squad leader in Paige's absence begs Spinner to bring Downtown Sasquatch to the wash to attract more students. Spinner reveals to the bad that he's booked them for the car wash, with Ashley and Craig not being too thrilled. Several car wash and band playing (and Rick bashing) scenes later, Spinner and Manny bond.