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And it's hard to say,
Just how some things never change.
And it's hard to find,
Any strength to draw the line.


A Plot[]

Craig is fighting his growing feelings for Ashley, and Spinner and Marco aren't appreciating her constant presence. When it comes time to record their single (their prize for winning the contest back in Rock and Roll High School), Ashley and Craig start to dominate the creative forces and direction of the band. Ashley even suggests they sing the song Craig dedicated to her. Spinner and Marco pressure Craig to kick her out the band and instead, he kisses her. At the single recording, Marco and Spinner demand Ashley get kicked out or they'll play the single -- their way. Accordion included. Craig kicks her out, but during the single recording, he realizes how much he loves Ashley and bails out and makes up with Ashley and they rekindle their relationship.

B Plot[]

Paige is fresh off her relationship with with Spinner, and has her eyes set on the hunky new teaching assist, Mr. Oleander. Mr. Oleander is sending mixed signals towards her, so Paige, with Hazel takes initiative and tries to meet up with him at a nightclub with a fake I.D. When they get in, they meet Mr. Oleander...and his girlfriend. They promptly get thrown out.