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Things haven't been the same
Since you came into my life
You found a way to touch my soul
And I'm never, ever, ever gonna let it go


A Plot[]

Emma is still stuck in Heroic BSOD mode after the shooting, and Jay has been paying her extra attention, especially since they're both working on the Dracula play. Of course in true Jerkass fashion, Jay is still going out with Alex. Emma is shutting out her friends and family and she starts to find some interest in Jay. Late at night, she sneaks out to the ravine and meets and hangs out with Jay. The meeting goes well -- until Jay brings her into the hookup van and reveals the ravine cleaning activities that go on. Emma splits, but not before Jay puts a bracelet on her, noting her "accomplishment."

Emma gets the lead female role in the play, but is hesitant to kiss Nate who's playing Dracula. Afterward, Alex and Amy mercilessly tease her for it, but Amy shuts up right away when she sees Emma's bracelet. Emma is excited that she scared off Amy and goes to tell Jay, but he dismisses her saying that she didn't"earn" that bracelet. At the ravine later that night, she shows up and comes onto Jay and they go into the hookup van where Emma...earns her bracelet.

B Plot[]

Ashley is worried about Craig's bipolar disorder and she wants him to go to a mental health support group at the rec center. Craig doesn't want to go, mainly due to not wanting to reveal his disorder to anyone. At the support group, Craig speaks on stigmatization of the mentally ill and how he doesn't want anyone to know...but he finds out it's Ellie's support group. Craig is upset with Ashley, and her actions towards him. She sends Ellie over to Craig's house and he and Ellie talk about their problems and coming back to the support group. Craig makes up with Ashley, and tells her he wants to be treated like regular old Craig and not like he is crazy.