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You gave me back the paradise
That I thought I lost for good
You helped me find the reasons why
It took me by surprise that you understood
You knew all along
What I never wanted to say
Until I learned to love myself
I was never ever lovin' anybody else


A Plot[]

The day after Emma cleaned Jay's ravine, Emma is giddy and happy. Of course, there's still the fact Jay is seeing Alex. In the opening scene, Alex has a doctor's note and she and Jay are flirty and making a big show of it. Emma then grabs Nate and plants a big one on him to make Jay jealous, and she succeeds. Emma is eager to earn more bracelets but Jay doesn't like being messed with. Snake is concerned, but Emma brushes him off.

At the play rehearsals, Alex comes in after visiting the doctor and punches Amy in the face. It turns out Alex has something, and she thinks Jay possibly gave it to her and Amy. Emma goes looking for Jay and Jay once again brushes her off and Emma realizes that she has been used. Not to mention her throat has been hurting...The school figures out there's been a mini-gonorrhea outbreak, and the school starts spreading the word about safe sex and Emma is worried. Manny begs Emma to not kiss Nate on stage during the play but Emma brushes her off. On stage, instead of sharing a kiss, Nate goes in for an embrace. It turns out Manny warned Nate beforehand. Emma is upset with Jay giving her a social disease, and she realizes the error of her ways and how far she's fallen trying to be perfect and having her worldview shattered. She tells her parents what she's done and to take her to the clinic. Spike is understanding, but Snake stops short of hugging her, disgusted.

B Plot[]

Jimmy has finally been discharged from the hospital, but his house hasn't been renovated for handicap access yet and his father tells him to stay in the hospital. Jimmy is infuriated at his dad's patronization, and he hatches a plan to break out the hospital and see Kid Elrick. Craig and Marco help him escape in a "hilarious" break out attempt. At the Kid Elrick concert, Jimmy finds it difficult to maneuver around but he eventually gains confidence and sits on the front row of the Kid Elrick concert. Jimmy's dad finds out Jimmy's broken out and is angry until Jimmy tells him that he is fine taking care of himself. Jimmy's dad comes around and lets him come home.