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I'm in the dark, I'd like to read his mind

But I'm frightened of the things I might find


A Plot[]

In the aftermath of Ashley's rejection, Craig is pretty messed up and still very manic. However, Ashley calls him and reassures him that she'll marry him...someday. Craig, along with Marco's fashion help, buys an expensive suit and pretty much freaks out everyone he comes in contact with. Joey finally finds out Craig stole his credit card and Snake remembers Craig's behavior in class. Craig makes an ass of himself at the wedding and reveals to everyone that he and Ashley are getting married and confronts Ashley's parents, and makes a huge scene. Ashley is embarassed and fed up and not speaking to Craig. Craig returns home, maniac and erratic. Joey shows up at the wedding looking for Craig and speaks to Ashley and gets more insight on Craig's behavior. Joey returns home and sees Craig and tries to get him some help, but Craig is still off the rails and upset and beats the holy hell out of Joey. Ashley manages to calm him down, and convince him he needs help. He's admitted in the hospital and they diagnose him with bipolar disorder.

B Plot[]

Liberty and J.T. are preparing to sing their Take That song to Raditch, but they're alone as the rest of the actors in the play don't want to get in trouble for singing it. When Raditch comes to hear what they've come up with, J.T. first decides to sign the original song they came up with, but Liberty is angry at Raditch's denial about the aftermath of the shooting and sings the Take That song to Raditch. Raditch is not amused and assigns them both detention. At detention, Liberty and J.T. relive Raditch's reaction...and kiss.