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You will see light in the darkness

You will make some sense of this

And when you've made your secret journey

You will find the love you miss


A Plot[]

After 386 hours of waiting tables, Spinner has finally bought his own car, and he takes Paige out on his first ride in it. Unfortunately, the mood is dampened when she receives a court summons - her charges against her rapist Dean are now in motion. Paige and Spinner's relationship starts to crumble as Paige's anxiety for the trial grows. It grows even more as she actually runs into Dean while help Dylan move into his college dorm. He pressures her to drop the case and how hard it'll be at trial. Paige almost doesn't show up, but after a makeout session with Spinner, she freaks and realizes she has to confront Dean at court — with Spinner by her side.

At court, Paige is nervous but she has Spinner and her mom by her side. She gives compelling testimony about her night with Dean and does an impressive toe to toe with the defense lawyer. The judge commends Paige for her bravery — unfortunately, since there's no eyewitnesses and no physical evidence, Dean is found not guilty.

B Plot[]

It's Craig's birthday! Too bad his ex Ashley is still acting weird around him. To make matters worse, his dead father is still haunting him - he gets a 10,000 (Canadian) dollar check from his estate. Ashley approaches him the next day and apologizes and suggests Craig use the money for his pleasure. While splurging at a music store, Craig buys a 4,000 (Canadian) dollar guitar just to stick it to his late father.