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A Plot[]

Paige and Spinner's relationship has been strained since her actions in Ghost In The Machine, and Paige is breaking her back trying to make the money to pay back Spinner for his car. Paige, after being fired at The Dot, starts a new job at the movie theater...with Alex. Meanwhile, Spinner has been being an extraordinary Jerkass towards her and Manny has been getting closer to him with Craig being somewhat jealous. Paige starts her first day at work, and Spinner's Jerkassness grows to epic proportions as he makes her wait on him. Alex isn't amused at the display, and tells Paige start looking for a new boyfriend. Spinner actually starts a fight with Craig at the movie theater over Manny, and Paige gets fired from the theater for getting involved. Alex helps Paige get her job back, and Paige is finally fed up with Spinner's behavior and breaks up with him.

B Plot[]

Rick and Toby start to bond after they're assigned to the trivia team. They also start ranking Degrassi's finest women and come up with a challenge to get the most kisses from the Degrassi ladies. Of course, Toby gets kisses from a lot of the girls and Rick, persona non grata at Degrassi, gets none until Toby gets Darcy to kiss him. Unfortunately, Rick's reputation rubs off on Toby and he gets Stuffed Into a Locker by Jay.