A Canadian Animated Series about two orphaned teenage spies who fight international crime while training at the Academy (a school for spies). Trained by the mysterious 'Al' who is the director of the academy, they fight an assorted network of supervillains who have various plots to take over the world. Delilah Devonshire and her partner Julius Chevalier are polar opposites; she is very goal oriented and Women Are Wiser while he is laidback, Hot-Blooded and more spontaneous. However they are also the best operatives in the academy. Fifty two episodes have been aired all though it is not yet known if more are planned.
See also the series guide.
Tropes Include:[]
- Added Alliterative Appeal and Punny Name: Delilah Devonshire, Dr. Dismay and Ms. Deeds are some of the more obvious ones.
- Anime Hair: Dr. Dismay
- Batman Cold Open
- Battle Couple: The title characters.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: A mild example.
- Big Red Button
- Brainy Brunette: Delilah.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Al may seem like he's channeling The Dude but every so often he shows why he's qualified to teach a school for spies.
- Cannot Spit It Out: How Delilah and Julius really feel about each other.
- Julius keeps telling Delilah "I love you" throughout "Simple Minds"-and keeps losing his memory as well.
- Casual Danger Dialogue: D and J do this this constantly, in one episode they calmly discuss their case while beating the pollen out of a man-eating plant.
- Catch Phrase
Julius: You have an appointment with justice! |
- Chick Magnet: Julius attracts women like flies, including their female foes, Scarlett flirts with him on occasion and even a a Bride of Frankenstein-esque creature wanted him for a "man-friend". And Delilah of course, who is a bit of a Dude Magnet herself.
- Dumb Blonde: Julius has his moments though he does pull off a few gambits now and then
- Engineered Public Confession: "The Ratings War." [1] [2]
- Everything Sounds Sexier in French: Delilah speaks fluent French.
- Fan Service: A fair amount. Julius seems to end up shirtless on occasion, "Saving Scarlett" opens with them chasing down a criminal in a bikini among other examples.
- Fictional Counterpart: The World Federation to the United Nations.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: The two title characters emerge from a fountain in "Hunk Island" and Julius ends up underneath a urinating cherub statue. Delilah gleefully points this out to him.
- Julius calls Delilah to his room after hours to help remove some metal stuck in his side. She's disappointed to find out this is the reason.
Delilah: How mysterious, Julius Chevalier, calling me to your bedroom in the middle of the night! |
- Giant Spider: "Batman of Borneo."
- Groin Attack: With a dropped sandbag.
- Harmless Freezing: "Frozen In Time"
- Hippie Teacher: Al speaks in Seventies style.
- Jerkass: Again Julius has his moments.
- Married to the Job: Delilah and how.
- Myth Arc
- Never Say "Die": Heavily averted. "Innocent people will die!"
- Omnidisciplinary Scientist: Is there nothing that Scarlett can't do?
- Outrun the Fireball
- Orphan's Ordeal and In the Blood: Julius' parents were killed in front of him when he was four and he is determined to find the ones responsible. Delilah's parents disappeared after defecting from the academy leading to suspicion that they and by extension Delilah were double agents.
- The Paolo: Zoe in season two, an unusual example that will happily get out of the way if Delilah and Julius would just spit it out.
- Parental Abandonment: for the titular agents and their motivations behind fighting crime.
- The Pig Pen: Nosey has a Running Gag for ending up with a rank smell.
- Rich Bitch: Wednesday
- Rogues Gallery: Part of the package with this show.
- Sassy Black Woman: Scarlett.
- School for Scheming: The Academy is a high school for spies, though they are heroic spies that fight super villains.
- Team Rivals: Team Ursula and Emmett for the titular partners.
- Shout-Out: To Star Wars of all things! [3]
- In "A New Ice Age" Julius is flirting with Ice as a ploy to free himself and Delilah.
Julius: Ice, Ice, baby... |
- A party-goer in "Terror By Tarot" is dressed as the Green Goblin.
- Story Arc: Related to the myth arc above.
- Teen Superspy: The students of the Academy, especially the title characters.
- Time Travel
- You Cant Change The Past: Literally, as everything that's destroyed with repair itself after a few second. Delilah exploits this to escape back to the present.
- That Came Out Wrong: Frequently with Delilah and Julius. Or right, if you think about it.
Julius: Today is Delilah and mine's third anniversary. |
- Trademark Favorite Food: Delilah sure talks about pizza a lot.
- Unlimited Wardrobe: Both characters are supposed to be really fashion conscious and are rarely seen in the same casual outfit twice. The show rivals Totally Spies for the sheer number of outfits showcased in-series.
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Quite literally in some episodes. It helps they get their missions to save the world from the school.