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"I come from Wes Craven's twisted mind! You come from comic books that kids get when they are well-behaved at Christmastime!"

Jason Voorhees Meets Tom and Jerry in Multiversus

When a franchise meant for an older demographic with copious amounts of swearing, erotica, violence and gore, and other such mature nastiness that isn't for children to witness crosses over with another franchise meant for a general audience with hardly any of those things, it results in the creation of a Demographic Dissonant Crossover.

To avoid controversy from Moral Guardians, the adult-oriented property is often Bowlderised. Though the reverse also tends to be true, where the children-oriented property is made Darker and Edgier to Avoid the Dreaded G Rating.

This is also quite common in Fan Works, as the world of fanfiction gives aspiring writers the ability to combine whatever franchises they are fans of without copyright or trademark concerns as long as the fanfiction creator doesn't profit from the fan works nor deprive the creators of the original works of revenue. Fan works, naturally, do not have to worry about adhering to network standards, and can make the child-oriented properties as "adult" as they wish to a certain degree, without attracting lawyers from the creators of the original properties, who may fear that the fan works could ruin the reputation if they become sufficiently popular and later implement a Fanwork Ban.

Examples of Demographically Dissonant Crossover include: