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A Vlog Series on youtube about the hijinks of Alternate Character Interpretation versions of Demyx, Axel and other members of Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts. The show was originally like a vlog in format but later episodes grew some seriously dramatic plots, with a few random videos thrown in in between full episodes. Between hilarious hijinks, and gobs of Ho Yay, the show got enough popularity to warrant it's own panel at Metrocon twice.

Since its debut, the show has expanded the cast from Demyx and Axel to the entire organization, and occasionally Namine and Sora. It's also changed its format from a talk show/vlog series to a kind of sitcom spiced with affectionate parodies.

Found here.

Tropes used in Demyx Time include:
  • Brain Bleach: Implied when Axel discovers that Larxene slept with Xigbar (along with most of the rest of the Organization).

 Axel: Xigbar?

Larxene: *nods* Uh-huh.

Axel: Tell you what, I'll be back in about a half an hour, there's some stuff I really, quite desperately need to bleach, so if you would please--*leaves the room followed by screams of pain*


 Axel: Remember those tampons of Larxene's?

Demyx: ...Uh-huh...

Axel: That's for the same sort of thing.

Demyx: Augh! Why did you put it on my face?!
