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  • The Galaxy Mega in it's first fight on ground against Rhino Nezire. What more need be said?
    • Also, Galaxy Mega vs. Yugande.
    • And Delta Mega's first fight against the Crocodile Nezires alongside Galaxy Mega.
    • Super Galaxy Mega is unvieled and takes down FIVE Nezire Beasts before finishing Centipede Nezire off. It's finisher is brutal, but awesome. Rocket Punch through the gut, anyone?
    • Mega Voyager's debut, against a horribly mutated Guirail.
    • Mega Winger's first appearance. It shrugs off an attack from Condor Nezilar with a laser field, and then it blasts the fowl (get it?) bird's ass off with the Winger Cannon.
    • Mega Voyager going aerial as Wing Mega Voyager and finishing Condor Nezilar off. Hello! A flying giant robot!
    • And what about the deaths of the Nezirangers? Particularly the deaths of the final three. MEGA SPARTAN!
    • Not to mention the final battle as the unmorphed Megarangers and Mega Voyager sacrifice themselves against Dr. Hinelar and the Grand Neziros...
    • Actually, any time a Gattai Mecha comes on the scene.
  • At one point, when the Nezirangers are at the point of seriously threatening the Megarangers, Nezi Silver shows up and throws some confusion into the mix. It's actually just Yuusaku, of course. Why is this an MOA? Nezi Silver is an in-universe costume. That's right - he put himself in considerable danger to trick the Nezirangers for a few moments.
    • What happened before that in that episode counts as a huge MOA for Shun. He figured out a VERY effective plan to battle the Nezirangers. The plan? Everyone goes using a blue ranger suit. This not only succeeds in fooling the evil squadron, but it also leads to Nezi Blue's destruction as well!
  • For those who hate Guirail (and believe me, just about everyone hates him), Dr. Hinelar - yes, the Big Bad - gets one when he hands Guirail a Super Serum that increases his power... but then, Guirail starts losing his mind. He retreats and calls out Hinelar in what he just consumed, and Hinelar explains that, yes, it's exactly as he planned to punish him for his cowardly tactics and endangering Yugande. As Shibolena puts it, Guirail always said "Do whatever it takes to defeat the Megarangers", and that's exactly what Hinelar delivered. Then it gets even more awesome when Guirail is finally put out of his misery by the debuting Mega Voyager.