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  • Desert Bus for Hope 5. Where to begin?
    • The Live Auctions managed to provide a significant amount of awesome this year.
      • The user Ducttape managed to win a fierce bidding war against dave_random with a massive $3339. For a scarf. Made extra awesome due to Ducttape Space Bidding (bidding against their own bid in order to drive the price up).
      • The user Dostrow managed to win a custom sketch of Yoda from Ken "Value Added" Steacy for $5700.
      • A sheet of Magic: The Gathering foil rares went up for auction, which was awesome in itself, but then the winning bid went to Notch for $10,000. Yes, that Notch.
    • Kate managed to club Alex by baking a cake around it, then giving the cake to Alex for him to slice.
    • Alex gets clubbed once again, but then the feed goes down. When it comes up, he has taken the entire crew hostage in revenge.
      • And then:


Crew: *muffled refusals*

James: *appears and clubs Alex*

Alex: *walks away defeated*
