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  • Shortly after Gabrielle finds out that Carlos has cheated on her with Xiao-Mei

 Xiao-Mei: "I can go now, too?"

Gabrielle: "No, you can start dinner."

Xiao-Mei: "What?"

Gabrielle: "You're not going anywhere, not as long as you have my baby in your belly."

Xiao-Mei mumbles a profanity in Chinese.

Gabrielle: "I don't know what that meant, but I didn't like the tone. So just remember, I am the boss of you, or else I'm gonna make this the worst nine months of your life."

  • Bree standing up to Matthew who turned out to be a murderer and is pointing a gun at her to protect Danielle despite their turbulent relationship in the Season 2 finale.
  • Orson finally giving her mother the verbal taunt she deserved while she's been left completely paralyzed by a stroke.
  • Season 6:

 Angie: "It's in the detonator."

Patrick': You bitch!

  • BTW, the man playing Patrick: EVIL! John Barrowman
  • Gabrielle confronting the nun who refused to believe her stepfather was molesting her.
  • In season three, where Lynette gives a big speech to the psychopathic woman holding her and several innocent bystanders hostage in a grocery store. After Norma gets shot and killed, Lynette, completely hysterical and her face covered in blood tells the shooter off, "We all have pain! But we deal with it!" Shooter: "I was cheated on!" "Well maybe you deserved to be cheated on!"
  • In the Season 7 first part of the finale, Paul is kidnapped and being poisoned slowly with an IV drip full of antifreeze by Felicia. Susan shows up at the house and finds out what happens. He notices, and surreptitiously tells her he has a half an hour. Realizing the police won't get there in time, she saves Paul's life with a toy police car that had a siren.
  • In Part 1 of the Series Finale, Karen takes the fall for the killing of Gabby's stepfather