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  • Their page on Lindsay Ellis. They take pretty much every awful thing she did and either put it in the Crowning Moment of Awesome page or spin it as her "showing up some trolls". It's disgusting to see behavior that is both immature and cruel being rewarded. Both this and the below DMOS show that they have zero sympathy for all the victims of Team Lupa's cruelty, just as long as they can push their pro-Team Lupa agenda.
  • Ironically, TV Trope's Dethroning Moment page has several entries that are themselves Dethroning Moments for the site, but little can beat the entry on Satellite City, where TV Tropes asks "why would they (Satellite City) join an objectively evil group of people?" when discussing Satellite City's cameo in the Nostalgia Critic review of The Wall. While it's true that Team Doug has done as many douchebag things as Team Lupa, they are still not serious enough to outright call them evil, and the fact that they never go as far when talking about Team Lupa shows the site's blatant pro-Team Lupa bias.
  • Another "TV Tropes Dethroning entry is itself a Dethroning moment for the site": The last two entries in the Nostalgia Critic page, regarding the Wall review. First of all, they go on forever. Second, they barely have anything to do with the review itself, being just a "why Doug Walker sucks" Author Tract. Third, how incredibly shallow the criticisms are. They parrot the tired old "Change the Channel" narrative, long after: A)Everyone, regarding if they support Team Doug or Team Lupa or neither, being sick of said narrative, B)Team Lupa having done as much douchebag things as Team Doug before, after and during Change the Channel (note that none of Team Lupa's respective Dethroning pages bring up Change the Channel, go fucking figure) and C)Doug redeeming himself (from both Change the Channel and The Wall). They bring up the "poor quality" of the skits and the clipless reviews, even though that's acceptable since he's doing it for laughs and to make a point about what's being reviewed (as opposed to Linkara, who plays it all as one grand sweeping storyline even though the end result is more pathetic and laughable than awe-inspiring). To quote the page itself: "Those entries appeal to nobody except TV Tropes' own ego".