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Hankscream 5013

Typical reaction to these scenes.

Even shows that are grounded in realism can make a few jarring mistakes now and then.

Keep in mind:

  • Moments only, no "just everything he said," "The entire show," or "This entire season," entries.
  • No contesting entries. This is subjective, the entry is their opinion.
  • No natter. As above, anything contesting an entry will be cut, and anything that's just contributing more can be made its own entry.
  • Explain why it's a Dethroning Moment of Suck.
  • Make sure the event actually happened in the show.
  • No Real Life examples including Executive Meddling and Fan Dumb. That is just asking for trouble.
  • No ASSCAPS, no bold, and no italics unless it's the title of a work. We are not yelling the DMoSs out loud.

  • The episode where Bobby becomes the least active member in a relationship between a woman who is using him (well, several actually who were bored). Basically Bobby does things like wait on calls from his 'girlfriend' etc. with the strong implication that this is inherently wrong. By the end of the episode Bobby solves his problem by 'protecting' the group of women from a pot addict and then acting chivalrous in the most unpleasantly passive-aggressive way possible. The moral of that episode was 'there is still a huge Double Standard between men and women in some areas...and that's a good thing because a man being less active in a relationship is weird!'. Listen, I understand that society expects men and women to act a certain way...the problem with this, however, is that there is absolutely no reason why these standards are so unevenly biased, favoring men: would it be such a terrible thing for a woman to court the man? The only reason why this is considered bad is because society says no, and it would literally harm nobody for men and women to choose who is active in a relationship. The fact that King of the Hill completely disregards this and says 'even though it harms nobody men and women should still be forced to act a certain way based on a society heavily biased towards men' is disgusting. If a man wants to be active in a relationship, fine...but it should sure as heck be a choice!
  • From the earlier seasons-the first in Three Coaches And Bobby is when Bobby is playing for the Cougars, and Hank hires his old coach to coach the pee-wee Football Team. We see in the flashback isn't mentally stable, but Hank being Hank...doesn't think anything of it. When Soccer begins being played near the games, the kids on the football team are tempted to play because the new coach is a madman, making them literally eat dirt or hurt themselves. Then Hank gives a Reason You Suck Speech about soccer...showing that he fails history and common sense. Hank realizes Coach Sanders was the wrong choice when he begins trying to run over the Pee Wee Football players. However, Hank becomes a Black Hole Sue when the Soccer Team's coach turns into a wimp who doesn't even let his team win and Bobby quits out of frustration.
  • For me, it was the episode where Peggy gets insanely jealous of Bobby and thinks he's replacing her or some crap like that. Basically, Bobby starts to get better at Home Ec, making Hank a new pair of jeans to replace the ones he accidentally ruined and breaking them in with a power sander. Then he gets good at cooking (Hank actually likes and compliments the food, and even makes a request for Thanksgiving dinner!), and what does Peggy do? She gets jealous of her own son, seeing him as competition, generally acts nasty and spiteful towards him, and upon finding a woman's magazine in Bobby's room (it had a turkey recipe in it, which was why he had it), she calls Hank in and says that "the boy is not right" because the magazine has sex tips and scratched-off perfume samples—that she probably scratched off. Just...that whole episode makes me mad, and there is something very creepy about Peggy's jealousy towards her own son and the fact he's finally getting a closer relationship with Hank.
      • Also, another example of Hanks sexism. He initially doesn't like Bobby having Home Ec. Why? Because if Bobby knows how to do housework he won't want to get married. It may sound weird, but come on! Hank just said a guy's motivation to get married was so they'd have a wife who cleans and cooks all day so they don't have to! Uh... Hank? Protip: there are married couples where the guy does all the housework and the woman makes the money (a ficitional example is in Johnny Test) Sometimes they do both. It just sounds like another example of Hank's sexism and old-fashioned stupidity.
    • Its not the first time where she became a jealous prick. There's a very infamous episode where Hank volunteers to be a substitute woodshop teacher at Bobby's school and his hands-on approach wins over his students. However this winds up affecting Peggy as she was in the running for an honor-y award for best substitute and Hank was starting to steal her thunder. I don't remember the details but she actually gets Hank fired from the job. And even worse, wins said award. This troper took so solace at the end where the students were cheering for Hank while Peggy was accepting "her" reward. And promptly went silent when he left, making Peggy look more like a fool then she already was.
  • The episode where it turns out Kahn has manic-depressive disorder. Basically, Hank and Kahn find out that they both love grilling and work together to make a "super-duper grill" or something for a show. However, it turns out Kahn is on medication; Hank dismisses the importance of the pills, convinces Kahn to stop taking them, and then puts off getting new ones since the energy exuded by Kahn's manic side is speeding their grill-building along. However, it's obviously not long before Kahn becomes depressed and suicidal, and Hank has to scramble to get him new pills. There's a very loosely-interpreted "Friend or Idol?" Decision where Kahn "has to" choose whether he's going to take the medicine and become crabby again for the day, or hope he swings back to manic to help Hank finish the grill. He turns out manic, and Kahn says everything he went through was worth it in the end.Excuse me?! There was a very real threat he was going to kill himself! The entire episode reeked of this patronizing attitude towards people with disorders, especially when medicine is required, like it's not a horrible experience in real life. Hank was exploiting someone with severe emotional problems for the sake of a grill! What if Kahn had gone back to being depressive and killed himself, huh writers? Would the precious grill be worth it then?
  • For me, it was the episode about the magic show, or, as I like to call it "Hank acts like an ass and sucks the fun out of everything for the entire half-hour". Long story short, Nancy is having a birthday party at a magic show and Hank is bitter about it (He doesn't like magicians because, surprise-surprise, David Copperfield made the Statue Of Liberty disappear once. Grow up, Hank. You sound like some spoiled brat who just had his "bwankie" taken away). Anywho, throughout the magic show, Hank pretty much acts like that kid who didn't get the toy he wanted by complaining through the show and saying how everyting is done with "smoke and mirrors" or "wires" (think of it like that guy has to point out every single scene in a cheesy Godzilla movie is done with old-fashioned effects, it makes it hard to enjoy either). Oh, but it gets worse. When Peggy is called on stage to participate in the "Pinata Of Death" trick, Hank actually walks onto the stage and grabs the flaming stick the magician is using for the trick. (Beat) Excuse me for a moment...Are you serious, Hank? Did you really just do something that foolish? This isn't some cutesy "Pull a rabbit of of my hat" magic trick, the "Pinata Of Death" was shown to be a very dangerous trick. Hank's immature behavior could've gotten people (including his own wife) seriously injured or even killed. I mean, it's one thing to whine and bitch like some f-ing toddler, but to actually endanger innocent lives? It's a miracle Hank wasn't thrown in jail. I said it once and I'll say it again... Grow. Up. Hank!
    • Baronobeefdip- What about the "Painting Scene" (and it's the very start of the episode). Basically, Bobby and Peggy painted "white puffy clouds" on the walls in Bobby's room. Hank sees this and...immediately starts re-painting the wall plain ol' blue saying that a "boy's room should be blue" (Um, Hank? What if Bobby doesn't like blue? What if he likes green or orange or red?) and "Bobby is a big boy now! If he wants to look at clouds he can look out the window!". Um, Hank? Bobby is what? Twelve? That's the age of the kid you're pretty much dictating. It makes you wonder if Hank's reaction would be any different if Bobby wanted to paint a life-sized portrait of the Dallas Cowboys on his wall instead of "white puffy clouds".
  • The episode "Fun With Jane and Jane." The cult activity in that episode was rather creepy for my tastes. Not Nightmare Fuel kind of creepy, fortunately, but still creepy enough to create a little bit of Mood Whiplash. Plus I'm sure this line from Peggy caused a lot of wall-banging: "Now now, Luanne, all sororities have hazing." Why do I get the feeling not a whole lot of college students took that line well?
    • There were a few good jokes (most coming from the emu subplot) that creepiness didn't kill and Peggy was just making a bullshit excuse: You saw that she just wanted Luanne to make lifelong friends, she never did. But it's still wallbangery for a few reasons: 1) Hank automatically accusing Luanne of being on drugs or overreacting, not noticing Luanne eating like she's been starved or thinking that starvation and trying to take away someone's name is not a normal hazing prank. and 2) There's some seriously disturbing Fridge Horror thanks to Dale: He says that after the starvation and brainwashing, they ship them off to a farm where they work as mindless slaves. So not only did Peggy and Luanne barely avoid this fate, along with scores of others, but it implies that several college-aged girls are actively being enslaved. And it actually gets worse: The head jane never got caught or anything: She lost the other janes, but she could easily exploit and brainwash several more girls. And that's not even counting the ending, which implies Buck gets mauled by emus.... not that he didn't deserve it but geeze.
  • In "Hank and The Great Glass Elevator", Peggy and Bobby start liking burgers cooked with charcoal instead of propane, royally pissing off Hank. Later on, towards the end of the episode, a BBQ is going at the Hill house. Hank then presents two different burgers to Peggy, one propane and charcoal. When offering her one of these burgers, what does he say? "What's it going to be, Peggy...charcoal or me?" Hang on, propane is so damned important to Hank, he's willing to divorce his wife for liking charcoal better? From this point on, it's hard to see Hank as anything other than a total Jerkass.
    • This isn't the first time, forgot the name of the episode, but its the one when Hank finds out propane isn't allowed at a BBQ cook up (watch the Food Network for why) Hank is of course outraged by this and wants to protest, only problem is no one cares to the point where he gets Luanne to go to her college and hires some people to protest with him. Hank is than shocked by the fact that the protesters are protesting. He got what he wanted, so why is he flipping his shit?
  • Granted, I speak for a majority of people when I say that even though these D Mo Ses have good backing, I just don't see them as D Mo Ses. Hell, I don't even believe in the Darth Wiki. But, for me, the Dethroning Moment of Suck for King of the Hill would have to be "The Accidental Terrorist". Now, everyone would be expecting me to say that the fact that nobody believed Hank wasn't the one who bombed the cars was what bothered me, but no. For me, it was the fact that Hank, one of the most sensible characters in the entire series, didn't know that nobody paid sticker price for cars. Sure, the car salesman tricked him into doing it when he was still pretty young, and this is the same Hank who thought that Weird Al killed himself in the 1980s, but still, this episode bothered me just for that reason.
  • The episode where Dale, Bill, and Boomhauer end up in an insane asylum. Not for the episode itself, mind you, but because it didn't have any lasting effects for Bill. It seemed like the therapy he was getting there would have been good for him, but when the next episode came around, it's status quo as usual. I appreciate that the show had to respect status quo in order to work, but a little character development would have been nice. Hell, Bill always seemed to get the short end of the stick in that area. Poor bastard.
    • What's even worse is that Hank pulls him out of the session for seemingly no reason. What logical reason could he have for pulling Bill out of something that could have had a very positive effect on Bill?
      • Because Hank Hill is stuck in the fifties and obviously believes that psychiatry and therapy are useless voodoo, and that Bill should simply get over his problems on his own.
  • The episode where it turns out that Bobby is the reincarnation of a great, wise Lama. This was actually one of my favorite episodes - it showcases perfectly that Hank is a narrow-minded, borderline racist asshole and Peggy is a flatly stupid and wildly self-important asshole, but it's okay because somehow, they produced Bobby. And Bobby is a good kid. Plain and simple, Hank is a dick, Peggy is insufferable, Bobby is a good kid. And this episode framed that perfectly, by revealing that Bobby is not just a good kid, he is an inherently moral and incredibly wise kid who gave up a life he was basically born for out of simple love. Lets ignore the silliness of the actual proceedings, it was a good episode. The problem was it didn't stick. Bobby gained nothing from his momentary wisdom and none of it affected his life from then on, like none of it had ever happened, and he was right back to being the occasionally narrow-minded, occasionally selfish, occasionally wacky dipshit he'd been before.
  • The entirety of Hanks actions from the episode church hopping. So the Hills get to church late, and find a new family in, what Hank thinks is his pew. After telling him they aren't moving, Hank goes complaining to the reverend, who tells him there aren't any assigned seats. What does Hank do? He starts exploring new churches. Not so bad. After trying out a mega church, getting drunk with Lucky on Sunday, and leaning towards not going, the mega church reverend tells him, he should go back to his church. And here is what pisses me off every time. Hank tells reverend Stroup that the new family are now going to the mega church. And if he doesn't get the seat assigned as his, he'll tell others about it. That's right. Hank threatens to empty out the reverends congregation, if he doesn't get his seat. I'm no saint, but I'm pretty sure blackmailing your reverend over a seat that isn't even yours by any established set of rules, isn't very christian. And the worst part? He acts like God gave him the idea. I'm pretty sure God doesn't like it when whiny babies extort reverends like that. Enjoy the seat, Hank. Hope it was worth it.
    • I have to concur with this episode, namely the ending, being my DMOS for the series as well. The idea that Hank so smugly blackmailed a Pastor just to get back his favorite seat in a church is reaking of being a Karma Houdini. Not to mention it was one giant Family-Unfriendly Aesop that the main purpose of a church is to satisfy your selfish needs.
  • In the episode where Former President Carter tries to mend the relationship with Hank and his father, well, Peggy was a complete egotistic jerkass. When her son said about an idea that involved getting a new father, she said that she took his "horrible" idea and made it her "excellent" idea. Not just that, but if he didn't meet Carter, then their Christmas would be ruined. What does Peggy do after the two mend their relationship, she takes credit for saving Christmas. Sorry, but it was either the Former President, or the kid who saved Christmas, not some egotistic jerkass.
  • The episode where Bobby joins that youth group is just painful to watch. To recap: Hank walks in on Bobby jamming out to a popular rock artist...and of course, since everything new and hip is evil to Hank, he takes Bobby to Church where Reverend Stroop suggests having him join a Christian youth group run by a youth pastor who she speaks very highly of. Bobby, though skeptical at first, actually has a great time, and becomes much happier and more dedicated to his faith. But then Hank finds out it's one of those hip groups who love new rock and skateboarding, he goes to great lengths to try to get Bobby out of it. Why? Because it's not "proper." He even confronts the pastor running the group. When he asks Hank if being a good Christian or having a proper haircut is more important, Hank says something along the lines of "I'm not stopping 'til he has both!" From this moment on it's impossible to see Hank has anything but a controlling, whiny Jerkass trying to make Bobby an exact clone of him. Hell, even Peggy, Bill, Dale, and Boomhauer call him out on his behavior throughout the whole episode.

Pastor: Even Jesus had long hair.
Hank: Only because I wasn't his father.

  • Uh oh, Canada. We get it Mr. Judge, you love your country. You hate anyone who says otherwise. But don't stoop to this kind of shit. You've insulted cats, culture, and everything else that rubs your little head the wrong way, but don't force feed your tripe about how amazing your country does at the olympics or what your country invented, and just act like a smug little twerp when someone says otherwise. And that last scene with Peggy standing in front an American flag... patriotism is fine, Judge. Creating unlikable, one-dimensional characters who are supposed to represent an entire country isn't. Not in any imaginable way. Is it any surprise this was from the last season?
    • As a Canadian, this one was very offensive. They're represented here as losers who need Americans to protect them "Since England stopped protecting them". No mention of an extensive world war one or two service that caused Nazis to fear them. We invented a multitude of communication technology. In Corner Gas they made an episode about an American visiting. Everyone but the town idiot respected him and didn't think of him as a stereotype. This was made during Bush era America, where most countries were not pleased with the US. We treated them with respect but this ep treated us as horrible people. Why would Kahn hate Canada and want to stay in Laos than in Canada? No real diversity to Canadians, they're just "The Canadians" who should be gone and never come back. Is it any wonder that people have issues regarding Texas and the southern United States? Also ice hockey is far more dangerous than football.
      • The problem with this (and a lot of these moments) is that the episode forgets to call Hank out on this. Being patronizing and ignorant is perfectly in character for him and can be a good source of humor, but the show often tends to forget that these are character flaws and doesn't treat them as such.
  • Lupe's Revenge had Peggy being jailed for accidentally taking a Mexican girl over borders. Now, the dethroning moment is when she is acquitted. Instead of acknowledging that she had no idea on what she said, or that she didn't know that Lupe was actually a Mexican, or that she didn't understand anything they said, she smugly said that she was right and told them so. No offense, but if I was being in trial for something I didn't mean to do and they acquitted me, I would said that I will never do that again, and just admit defeat. But she just claims victory instead of admitting defeat.
  • The episode where Bobby get's into fantasy books but Hank continiously yells at him for it and tries to get him into more "manly" adventure books. Like other examples on this page, it makes Hank look like a controlling dip shit.
  • Off the top of my mind, the episode where Bobby smokes. What does Hank do as his punishment? Force Bobby to smoke an entire carton of cigarettes (there had to be like 10 individual packs of cigarettes in that carton) while he watches. I'm sorry, but that's child abuse right there. It would also fuel Bobby's addiction. It only made things worse! I believe a normal parent would have gotten help for their kid.
    • The sad truth is that this used to be a very common way parents would punish their kids for smoking. The idea was the kid would get so sick from smoking so much at once that they'd never want to do it again. As stated, Hank's mind is a stuck in the 50's, so it fits. The worst part about that scene for me was Hank feeling the need to teach Bobby how to smoke "like a man."
  • "Strangeness On a Train". The one where Hank and Peggy get busy on a murder mystery train is a long DMOS for Hank because he's just so out of character. Hank wouldn't ever do that, if any moments about him on this page indicate, not even for his wife's birthday (it was Peggy's birthday in this episode. And the other characters don't get off much better either, apparently Dale has a habit of spoiling these mysteries for Peggy (where did that come from?) and toward the end he seemed to be starting to feel guilty about this kind of thing. That's about all the development you get on that. And Nancy was right there, she doesn't mind her husband enjoying ruining her friend's birthday? And at the end, Hank joins in dancing in public. Again something he'd never do.
  • Surprised this wasn't mentioned yet, but the "That's My Purse" episode where Hank tries to teach Bobby self-defense. Hank is just at his absolute worst here. First by sending him to a woman's self defense class where he learns the groin kicking move. When Hank finds out, he of course mortified and opts to teach Bobby himself. This troper always face-palms at the sparring scene, cause Hank just comes off looking more like a bully then a mature adult trying to teach his kid how to defend himself. Seriously he constantly goading and teasing Bobby. And then when Bobby finally gets fed up with it and kicks him into the groin, he responds by grounding the poor kid! Hank, you knew full well what form of self-defense he learned, and yet you goaded him into attacking you. How was he wrong? I know Hank's old-fashioned but even he's not an idiot.
    • My issue with that episode was that Hank was mad at Bobby because he wasn't fighting fair or something like that. Nevermind the reason Bobby wanted to learn how to defend himself in the first place, was that he was getting picked on by bullies who sure as hell weren't fighting fair by ganging up on him.
  • While I can just make a generalized rant about how the show has a general dislike for anyone who owns anything other than a dog (Ok, KOTH, we get it, you think dogs are "God's gift to mankind and anything else is a disaster to own."). And, no saying it's a joke/parody does not make it any better. But, if I have to give a specific example, the worst I can think of is when Bobby gets a snake. Long story short, the snake (a python) escapes and a couple of corrupt exterminators cause a citywide panic, put the blame on Hank, and, at the end, brutally kill the poor reptile. First of all, I'm pretty sure people in freakin Texas aren't going to be too concerned about an escaped pet snake, considering that snakes are pretty commonplace there (Including highly venomous rattlesnakes). Second, you don't kill somone's pet unless they're a danger to themselves and others (For example, if someone finds a stray dog, you don't kill it unless it's rabid or it mauled someone badly). What you do is that you safely capture it and return it to its owner, or you find it a new home. Third, Luanne's reaction to the snake is just overly stupid and unnecessary. "It's coming after me! It knows I'm a Christian!" Really, Luanne? You want to avoid the whole steotypical "idiot blonde redneck" image, and you say something moronic like that about a snake? Oh, and let's not forget that Lucky bought that snake was a gift to Bobby. I'm pretty sure Bobby wouldn't be too happy about losing his pet, and I'm sure Lucky wouldn't be too happy that the gift (Which, by the way, pythons cost around $100 on average) he bought with his own money was killed by a bunch of panic-stricken idiots. To put it into perspective, an earlier episode had Bobby reluctantly having to kill a raccoon he befriended because it might've been (though, it turns it it wasn't) rabid and it might've infected Ladybird (and Dale). In this episode, however? The snake wasn't even a threat. They kill it in the most horrific way possible just because people were afraid of it. WTF, KOTH?
  • I'm surprised Hank's behavior in Get your Freak Off wasn't mentioned. Hank, like Howard and Nancy Bronson (The parents of the girl Bobby likes), are in at one extremely different end of the parent spectrum—in his case, the 1930's end. While any normal parent would dislike some of the more extreme music and the way Bobby was dancing, Hank calls Radio Disney smut. Then tells his son to have fun when he's stripped his room of everything in it in order to help "clean" out his son's mind. Then there was the behavior of the Bronsons. Naturally the episode shows Hank in the right by taking modern parents and exaggerating them to into being inattentive and too child-like themselves. This show really hits hard on the left.
  • "The Mihn Who Knew Too Much" really did it for me with the characters of Kahn and Mihn. One of the ealriest parts of me hating them was in "Father of the Bribe" but this was in full effect in this particular ep. All Kahn did was basically call everyone a redneck or hillbilly along with Mihn and the really big point was with Kahn wanting to make a video of them giving people a "up yours" speech about them! First of all: What is their problem? Second of all: How would they like being called "slanty" or "oriental" on a regular basis? Kahn and Mihn are just Scrappies to me, borderline ethnic scrappies.
  • I can't stand the one where Bobby becomes a mascot for the high school football team, but brings shame on both the school and his family when he (literally) runs away from the job after learning that the half-time tradition is for the rival band to come over and beat up the Longhorn mascot (though he ultimately makes up for it by both staging a show-stopping prank and accepting the traditional pummeling). His friends' and family's complete lack of sympathy is baffling; it's not even "We're sorry but you must do this," it's "why aren't you volunteering for a brutal beating?". Furthermore, what town would celebrate the mob assault of one of "their" students, and what the hell kind of a football team would allow their rivals to desecrate their mascot?
  • Something that really bothered me was the episode "Now Who's the Dummy." Bobby starts practicing ventriloquism,and comes up with a puppet called Chip. Over the course of the episode,Hank takes a liking to the puppet,to the point where he starts communicating to Bobby only through Chip,and starts ignoring his own fucking son over a ventriloquist dummy. At one point in the episode, Hank basically tells Bobby that he'd rather talk to Chip,and hear Chip's opinion about things instead of Bobby. He spends time with Bobby,but only because of that damn puppet. Its just beyond idiotic and neglectful.
    • I have to admit that I haven't seen much of this show, but from this page and others, Hank reacting this way to ventriloquism is monumentally out of character. It would sound way more in character for Hank to be horrified at the thought of Bobby taking up this hobby, because that's how he reacts to pretty much everything Bobby does.
    • Hank actually does react this way at first, being openly embarrassed when Bobby takes Chip out in front of his friends and clearly associating the activity with playing with dolls. He only warms up to it when Bobby uses Chip to make sports-related commentary and jokes, essentially turning the dummy into Hank's ideal son. At one point, when Hank goes golfing with Chip (and Bobby by proxy), the boy complains his hand is starting to cramp up from using the puppet too much, prompting his dad to respond, "No one likes a whiner, Bobby."
  • I don't remember which episode it is, but there's this episode where Bobby becomes a male plus-sized kids model. Now Hank is, of course, embarrassed by this, and he and Bobby are teased for it. Near the end of the episode, Hank pulls Bobby out of a public fashion show. In the middle of the show, a bunch of bullies come up and start chucking doughnuts at the models. We then get this horrible, slow motion montage of these poor young boys being pelted with doughnuts. No one helps them, all the adults and people there just watch and let it happen. When it's over, Bobby turns to Hank and says something like "Wow Dad, you were right!" and Hank is all "I told you so." Except Hank did not pull Bobby out of the show because he knew he would be assaulted; he did it because he himself was embarrassed and for the life of him cannot accept that his son might be into something slightly different. And the end with the doughnuts was such an awful moment that was tacked on just to get a "Gee, thanks Daddy!" ending is a total Ass Pull to keep Hank likable. This episode seriously disturbed me. I was genuinely upset when it was over that no adults felt the need to help these defenseless kids and that all the people just watched.
  • As someone mentioned earlier, KOTH has no respect for people who own anything other than a dog. But, boy-oh-boy does it REALLY show in the episode "The Petriot Act". In the episode, after Bill volunteers to look after a soldier's pet and gets to watch a (of course) lovable playful dog, Hank volunteers as well and ends up with a cat (naturally, to his dismay). Now, does the episode center around Hank learning that cats are loving affectionate animals and that they can be as much fun as a dog? No, because that would mean KOTH could no longer glorify dogs. Instead, the cat (named "Duke") is a mean-spirited vicious animal that causes Hank nothing but misery. Oh, and to make matters worse, Bill is actually shown to be very popular with the dog he's looking after. Subtle, KOTH, real subtle. Between this and the equally horrid snake episode (which someone else already mentioned), KOTH might as well just spend a half hour saying "Dogs are Jesus and all other pets are the Devil. Anyone who owns something other than a dog is a miserable freak". As a cat lover, I can say that KOTH can kindly kiss my butt for sinking so low.
  • "Pretty, Pretty Dresses" really gets me. First off, No one takes Bill trying to kill himself seriously. This is not cool, he needs psychological help and Hank and the gang make him out to be a ramboucs puppy that needs people to take days off of work to train him. Call a goddamn suicide prevention line! second, at the christmas party when Bill has a mental breakdown, the guests want to beat him up for wearing a dress. WTF? That just made the ep too much of a Cringe Comedy like the ep about Bobby trying to win back Connie after they break up.

Peggy: We need to take him to a psychologist.
Hank: He's just suicidal, Peggy. He's not crazy.

  • (This has been mentioned a couple times already, I know) The ending of the episode "Serpunt" in which Dale and the two other animal control employees ruthlessly butcher Bobby's pet Burmese python, Joshua. As a huge fan of Dale, I can accept that his job as an exterminator requires him to kill pests, though sometimes his lack of compassion doesn't make sense to me, especially since he owns turtles as pets and treats them lovingly (the fact that snake was a pet is the point I'm trying to make here). Though it's hard to even get past the fact that the snake made it through a toilet alive, the whole thing still bothered me. I thought the sensible thing to do would have been to capture the snake and give it to an animal shelter or something. Isn't that what animal control is responsible for? Again, Dale is an exterminator at heart, but he was still on the job as animal control. The end of this episode got to me so much that I had nightmares. I just don't think Josh (or any of the other rats or smaller snakes in the sewer that posed no threat to anyone) deserved to be murdered, and I couldn't help but think that it was rather out of character for Dale to be that cruel.
  • "Lupe's Revenge," also known as the moment I started hating Peggy Hill. The episode starts out with Peggy and her class going on a field trip. Okay, that's not so bad... But then, for no reason, she demands that everyone starts speaking in Spanish... including the bus driver. That's already a terrible idea, seeing as he doesn't even freaking speak Spanish! Oh, but wait, it gets worse! Seeing as how the bus drivers isn't fluent, he gets lost, right? Then some local citizen knock on the door thinking it's a normal bus? So what does Peggy do? She decides to let him on the bus and follow him around. Because that's the smartest thing to do, right? Because there's no way that he could be a thief, or a murderer, or a child molester, right? So, after another five or so minutes of sheer dumbassery, they go home. And there's this little girl, who is very clearly a Mexican native. Despite the fact that no one else on the bus was wearing those clothes, or had that accent, or even that color of skin, she demands the girl to get on the bus, eventually dragging her on! Peg, you fucking lunatic, what the hell were you thinking!? Were you thinking!? There is no way that you can honestly be that stupid. No, I refuse to believe it. Anyway, it takes them the entire motherfrakkin' bus ride home, long after the bus leaves, for her to realize her mistake? So, she does the logical thing, takes her home in her car, thus ending the episode. Haha, just kidding! That would make this episode more logical! Instead, she thinks it's a good idea to hide the girl in her closet. So, after what is implied to be 2 days (side note, that's how long person has to be missing for a missing person's report to be placed.) she finally takes her home. Fast forward a few mind-numbingly stupid minutes, where she's in court. Her lawyer makes her give her reason as to why not to be arrested in Spanish to show how bad it is. In what is admittedly a funny scene, she bungles the spanish language (confusing "embarrassed" with "pregnant" and "years" with "anuses," for one) in a manner that calls her entire career (yanno, teaching Spanish) into question, big-time. Thankfully, the episode ends in about two minutes. You know, if they didn't make the character such a dumbass, the concept would be kind of cool. But holy hell did they fuck up the execution.
  • In the episode that first introduced 'The Manger Babies,' Hank was complaining about his TV screwing up. Bobby reasonably asks why they wouldn't get a new one, only for Hank, being the Patriot that would make Abridged!Bandit Kieth blush, says it's because America "doesn't make them anymore." When Bobby suggests getting a Japanese TV, he orders Bobby to go to his room. Not only does this make Hank look like a total Xenophobe, this contradicts when Kahn first appeared, and Hank praised the Japanese for making good, HD TVs.
  • "Racist Dawg" is my DMOS for Peggy. Everyone thinks Hank is a racist because Ladybird attacked a black repairman (we later find out that Hank just hates repairmen). Peggy takes a stupid online test that Hank "failed," which is just pictures of black and white people flashing while the "test" taker clicks. Peggy "passes" and joins in on the crowd condemning Hank for his "racism." Peggy has had her bad moments in the show, no doubt, but I thought it was revolting how Peggy wouldn't support her husband just so she could feel better about herself. Then when it's revealed that Hank isn't racist, she just acts like she's been supporting him all along. Just like Peggy to back-peddle like that, eh?
    • I originally was about to come here and make an entry for this episode, but I see you already did. And I agree: Peggy condemning Hank and then suddenly supporting Hank was completely strange. But my DMOS will have to go to the dog specialist and the rest of the townspeople (including Reverend Stroup), who immediately jumped to conclusion by accusing Hank of being a racist, despite that Hank didn't show any racist behavior before. Seriously, the dog specialist and the townspeople should be ashamed of themselves!
    • Mine as well, but for different reasons. The aforementioned test was based on an actual online test that was going around at the time. While it's hinted that the test was flawed, they didn't dig deep enough into just how such a test is indeed not a reliable indicator. I can see that they were making a point about not jumping to conclusions and accusing people of being racists, but they left it at "Well, Ladybird also attacked a white guy". Worse still, is the part where Hank coldly lets Ladybird tear into the white repairman and gets excited about it. Yes, it meant Ladybird wasn't racially discriminating, but couldn't the celebrations wait until after the poor guy was saved?

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