The trailer for Deus Ex: Human Revolution features "Icarus" by the game's composer, Michael McCann. Even better the DX:HR website now has it available for free download due to the interest in it.
The full version of Icarus plays over the end credits. And it is glorious.
The ambient theme playing while in the Sarif Industries HQ (also doubles as one of the menu themes) is very soothing and peaceful.
Pretty much the entire soundtrack qualifies, as well. Enjoy. I know I will.
The original Deus Ex theme coming back after the credits and The Stinger.
A scratchy version of the original Deus Ex theme playable on a gramophone in Megan's "white" room towards the end of the game
The intro sequence, when the soundtrack starts paraphrasing theme from UNATCO as you enter Sarif's office.
Opening credits. There, on the operating table a human named Adam Jensen died. A new entity, however, sprang to life. Half-human, half-machine, half-god. 150% awesome.
A very intense song plays while infiltrating the secret FEMA facility.
The songs that play in the Detroit Limb Clinic and the one in Hengsha respectively, capture the feel of getting augmented.
"Men Like Us", or the boss theme from when you fight Jaron.
It's fan music, but it's almost criminal that Miracle of Sound's 'The New Black Gold hasn't been mentioned yet. The tune of the song fits in perfectly with the game's actual songs and the lyrics ring true to the game's struggles.