Executive Meddling: According to Ninja Theory, Dante's massive redesign was pushed by Capcom themselves, having tried not to stray too far from the original template before being pushed to "go crazy with it".
Vante: the red-wearing Vergil clone fought in Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition by Vergil.
Duntee: Dante in Devil May Cry 2.
Desperation/Desperate Devil Trigger (abbreviated as DDT): the Devil Trigger Majin Form, an alternative version of Dante's Super Mode, only usable when his health is in the red, where he transforms into a towering behemoth with Nigh Invulnerability and the ability to mow down everything (from generic Mooks to the Final Boss) with ludicrous ease.
Dante May Cry, Dante Made Crappy, Disappoints Many Customers, Dick Move Capcom: the game itself, provided via acronyms from the Hatedom.
In the same vein, DmC is also called Tameem May Cry, as Dante has been redesigned to resemble Tameem Antoniades, Ninja Theory's chief designer. This is further twisted into Tameem Will Cry, as fans don't like his smug attitude regarding the changes made for the game, as well as what they perceive as him spiting on the history of the original Dante.
Providing further ammunition to those declaring In Name Only is the fact that this new "Dante" is half angel instead of half human. Yeah.
The Other Darrin: Dante's voice actors. They didn't bring one back for a second game until Devil May Cry 4.
This is made even more jarring if one considers Dante's appearance as a Secret Character in the PS2 version of Viewtiful Joe. Although it came out a year after Devil May Cry 2 (where he was voiced by Matthew Kaminsky), Dante's voice actor is the same as the original game (Drew Coombs). In other words, it went from Drew Coombs, to Matthew Kaminsky, back to Drew Coombs, and then finally to Reuben Langdon, who has been voicing Dante ever since Devil May Cry 3.
It would appear that Dante is being Darrin'd again for the reboot.
Trish's VA was also subjected to this, as it changed from Sarah Lafleur in Devil May Cry 1 to Danielle Burgio in Devil May Cry 4. It would seem that out of all of the recurring characters (what few there are), only Lady has kept her VA (Kari Wahlgren).
Throw It In: The juggling ability was born from a glitch in Onimusha, which allowed you to do just that with enemies. It was fixed before release, but it was so Crazy Awesome that Capcom had to reuse it somewhere.
Dante was set to appear in Soulcalibur III, but didn't quite make the roster. It's a shame, considering the Guest Fighters in both previous and subsequent titles.
Arkham was originally going to go by the name of Hyne (pronounced Hai-neh), but Reuben Langdon (Dante) didn't think it would work in English and convinced Capcom to change it. Jester was also named Joker early on in production.
Nero was originally going to be named Rodin, after the famed French sculptor who once created a motif of aHell Gate mentioned in The Divine Comedy.