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Brothers in the dark,fight for your life! Devils in the dark, fight for your life!
Crimson Cloud, V's battle theme.

A 2019 Hack and Slash video game developed and published by Capcom, Devil May Cry 5 is a game about a guy who needs money to turn on his water and flush his toilets, so he hunts demons.

After the events of the fourth game in the series, Nero began to work along with Dante in the demon hunting business. Their latest target is a demon named Urizen, that ripped Nero's demonic arm and turned it back into Yamato, the sword of Dante's dead older brother Vergil. Dante just so happens to have been coincidentally paid by a mysterious benefactor called V to take down Urizen, and the veteran devil hunter brings Lady and Trish to help in taking down said demon.

Urizen proves to be too much for everyone, except V, who decides to not get involved despite also being a demon hunter. With only a stump on the place of his right arm, Nero get new replaceable cybernetic limbs from Nico Goldstein, the granddaughter of the armorer that manufactured Ebony and Ivory, Dante's signature guns, and also the abandoned daughter of Agnus, a member of the Order of the Sword, that Nero and his girlfriend Kyrie used to be part of.

After one month, Urizen had cultivated a demonic tree called the Qliphoth, that feeds on the blood of humans to sustain itself. The plant will eventually bear a fruit that if devoured by any demon, will make him king of the Underworld, and that time is approaching. Nero and V, the latter now much more willing to fight, seek to stop Urizen before he gains such power.

Directed by Hideaki Itsuno, that also directed the fourth game.

Tropes used in Devil May Cry 5 include:
  • Ambiguously Evil: It's never made clear if V had genuine intentions of helping the other humans or was just trying to save his own skin by trying to defeat Urizen so he could fuse with him.
  • Angry Guard Dog: King Cerberus is the trope exaggerated to a great extent: he is Urizen's guardian dog protecting the last barrier between the demon and Dante, and is incredibly powerful, being the most powerful of all the Cerberuses.
  • Big Bad: Urizen, who is responsible for the Qliphoth and therefore the demons crawling around the surroundings of the tree, since those demons are either feeding on it or are waiting for the fruit of tree to grow in order of eating it, with a few others following Urizen's orders to kill anybody who tries to take down the tree.
  • Boss Rush: Mission 14 involves V fighting three bosses in sequence.
  • Combat Tentacles: One of Urizen's weapons is tentacles attached to his body.
  • Fusion Dance:
    • V forces himself to fuse with Urizen at the end of Mission 17, restoring Vergil back into existence.
    • Malphas is described by Nico in her report about it to have been result of a fusion of the sorceress on top of it with the bird below, and the result was not pretty as the bird was forced into this fusion, creating a deformed demon.
  • Handicapped Badass: Nero is still capable of defeating most demons with only one, normal arm. In fact, if the player is good enough, he can defeat Urizen as well.
  • Hotter and Sexier: Trish and Lady are seen almost fully naked on this game, aside of their usual Stripperific costumes.
  • The Jailbait Wait: It seems to be inverted. Patty is described to have rejected most guys and is extremely anxious at Dante going to her 18th birthday, implying she has a massive crush on him and was waiting until she was legal to confess it.
  • Living Battery: The demons Artemis and Cavaliere Angelo use Lady and Trish, respectively, as power sources.
  • Multiple Endings: It is perfectly possible to defeat Urizen at the prologue and Mission 8, even without upgrades, it just happens to be a very difficult task. This unlocks an alternate, shorter ending.
  • Squishy Wizard: V is a demon hunter that relies entirely on his familiars and magic to fight. He is very fragile physically and therefore the player must keep his distance from any enemies.
  • The Voice: We hear Kyrie, but she is never seen.
  • The Worf Effect: The audience knows Urizen is a real deal when he defeats almost simultaneously Lady and Trish, and even more when he makes short work of Dante.