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  • The TV series can get downright wacky whenever Lala is around. Especially when she trolls Miki.
  • Near the end of the OVA, Akira falls from the sky and lands, naked, in the middle of a giant, Amon-shaped hole in the ground. Given how serious the rest of the OVA is, this is hilarious.
  • In the first volume, when Ryo tells Akira to put on the demon mask.

 Ryo: Put it on.

Akira: (beat) I-I'd rather not.

Ryo: (annoyed) Put it on.

Akira: Maybe next time?

Ryo: Put it on!

  • Before they enter the demonic rave club, Ryo is seen smoking a butt.

 Ryo: Oh this? Its laced with drugs.
