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  • "My hair is on fire! My hair is on fire! My hair is on fire!"
  • One episode resolves around Dexter trying to avoid being shoved into in the swimming pool by his dad. By the end of the episode he finally jumps in... only to lose something on the way out.
  • The christmas episode. Dexter vs Santa Claus!
  • The entirety of "The Parrot Trap" where Dexter makes a robot parrot. Here's a highlight:

 Robo-parrot: "Dexter is a cookie!

Dexter: "No, no, I am Dexter, boy genius."

Robo-parrot: "Dexter is a cookie!"

Dexter: "I am not a cookie!"

Robo-parrot: "Dexter is a stupid girl! Yup yup yup..."

    • Also:

 Mom: Now wait just a minute....where am I going to find some worms and minnows?

Parrot: The Florida Everglades!

  • Mom gets into car and drives to Florida*
  • The episode where Dee Dee was made smarter than Dexter ended with this unforgettable scene:

  Dexter (yelling at his assistant, a cymbal-banging bear toy): THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!

  • Dexter's fart heard around the world which is so powerful that it sends the parents TV through a wall.
  • Every single glorious, over-the-top moment of the Speed Racer parody, especially the abuse of the Motor Mouth trope.
  • This part from when the computer has lost its voice:

 The computer: (In Dee Dee's voice) Hi Dexter!

  • Mandark's epic rant at the end of "Momdark".
  • The muffin episode, with Dad making an all-out war out of getting his hands on those delicious muffins, is one of the funniest things in animation.
    • Funniest part was Dexter and Dee-Dee sending Dad to his room twice! The first time when it happens, he then tries to make Dexter bring him the muffins.

 Dad: Dexter, I am your father.

Dexter: (gasp) No, that is not possible! Oh, wait, no, you're right.

Dad: So join me! Come to the muffin side! Don't resist, Dexter! (begins trying to hypnotize Dexter) It is your destiny.

Dexter: NEVER!

Dad: You will get the muffins for me!

Dexter: (hypnotized) I will get the muffins for you. (walks over to get the muffins) Will get the muffins for you. (begins bringing them to Dad)

Dad: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Dee-Dee: Dexter, no! It's a mind trick! Snap out of it! (smacks Dexter)

  • The Justice Friends sketches, which consist of Major Glory, Val Hallen, and the Infraggable Krunk facing the challenge of everyday lives as they share an apartment. for example, "Val Hallen's Room";

 Krunk: Krunk never been inside Val Hallen's room! Teddy and Krunk scared!

Major Glory: Krunk! You are a Justice Friend! and Teddy doesn't pay one-third of the rent.

      • Ratman, a young man of 30.
  • Finding out just why the ice cream man refuses to stop for Dexter. Actually, that's just the icing on one of the funniest episodes of the series.
    • "Do you have change for a hundred?"
  • The majority of the episode where Dexter found a lost dog. Arguably every moment after he gets said dog to speak human English qualifies.
  • Dexter, what's that?
  • The episode "911" full stop.
  • "If you turn your lips inside out, you look like Jimmy Carter."
  • The entirety of "sdrawkcaB", in which Dexter invents a belt that allows him to go in reverse. It leads to him talking backwards, un-eating a sandwich, and then discovering that Dee Dee has been messing with the forward/reverse switch: "*gasp* Dee Dee!" *switch* "!eeD eeD *psag*". He finally one-ups her when she puts on the belt, letting her fall to the floor from a great height, then flipping it into reverse several times.