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  • When Dexter learns that pirates kidnapped his sister (they believed she was a mermaid due to her swimsuit), he goes straight to the pirate ship and reveals his Giant Mecha, which he had intended to keep secret, to save his sister, even though it would be easier for him if she were out of the picture.
  • In a weird way, the ending to "Beard to Be Feared", even though it's had some Memetic Mutation:

 Action Hank: "It doesn't matter if you have the beard on the outside, as long as you got the beard on the inside."

  • The first half of "LABretto" is really nice and funny, and then the rest is just Funny Moments.
  • The ending to "Dee-Dee's Tail". "Run free, Dee-Dee!"
  • Dexter's duet with his piano teacher. Also doubles as Crowning Music of Awesome, because it's a sweet song.
  • Monkey getting Simian to do a Heel Face Turn by offering him a banana.
    • Also, his memories with Agent Honeydew.
  • Koosalagoopagoop finally being accepted in The Land of Koos. The Tastes Like Diabetes atmosphere only added to the cuteness.
  • The ending of "Sun Surf and Science" where Mandark befriends the surfer dude.
    • Also, him trying to save Dee-Dee.