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Fortvtropes 6210

Normal day with Red and Blue.

Dick Figures is a web series from the mind of Mondo Media. It centers around the normal daily lives of two stick figures, Red and Blue.

A movie is in progress, but needs donations here

Tropes used in Dick Figures include:

Episodes of this series provide examples of:[]


 Blue: "I just got my car washed by sorority girls! It's the best!"

Red: "I just got my dick washed by sorority girls! It's the breast."

    • And again, immediately afterwards:

  Blue: "So I don't want you to get any of your shit all over my car. Especially your shit."

  • Bad Date: Blue has one in "Trouble Date," because Red shows up with HIS date and ruins Blue's.
  • Bavarian Fire Drill: We're Cops!
  • Big Eater: Red decides to go back in time solely because he wants eat an entire dinosaur.
  • Brainless Beauty: Actually subverted with Stacy. In "Modern Flame War 3", it's revealed she works as an internet technician.
  • Broken Aesop:

 Red: "You see, kids? Miracles DO happen, if you believe in yourself! Merry Christmas, everyone!"

Blue: "What? It's the middle of Sum*cuttooutro*"

    • Almost the entire point of "Pussy Magnet"
  • Brown Note: Kitty Amazing is so adorable he melts the hearts of all who look at him... literally. It's not clear why Red is immune, though.
    • Possibly from all the alcohol he drinks. Am I right, fellas?
  • Check, Please!: Blue does this in "Trouble Date".
  • Bullet Time: Used in "Modern Flame War 3"
  • Chainsaw Good: In "Zombies and Shotguns".
  • Continuity Nod: Kitty Amazing's petrified body is found behind the fridge in "Sex Marks the Spot".
    • Pink remarks in "Role Playas" that D&D night was worse then their first date, that being "Trouble Date"
    • In "Pleasure Cruise", the villain who tries to sink the H.M.S. Tragedy is Earl Grey's last surving butler.
    • In "Losing Streakers", Red accidentally swallows another bee and starts taking in Auto-Tune again.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Red is a Kung-Fu winner.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: After Trollzor was humiliated in "Y U So Meme?", he teams up with Red and Blue to save the internet in "Modern Flame War 3".
  • Dull Surprise: Blue.

 "Oh my goood, you lost everythiiing, woooow..."

"Oh man I know, Fang Angels is soooo goood..."


 Red: Who's going to pull over a cop car? Nobody!

Blue: Wow. You actually have a pretty good point there.


 Everyone's leveling without me! I'm not l-3-3-t enough!


 Blue/Bloser: Hey Earl Gray, what happens to criminals?

Red/Batman: They go to prism!

    • Red to the owner of the Golden Lotus Dragon.

 Red: I don't know what you're talkin' 'bout, crazy man, but I'm going to beat you up 'till you bleed soy sauce!

    • Red to a T-Rex:

 Red: Hey, where I come from, you're extinct!


 Red: Whoo! All this manliness is making me thirsty. Better drink my own piss. *whips out canteen*

    • "Real Dudes Bros Night Man" is all about this.
  • Title Drop: Done cleverly in Pussy Magnet. Just before the cutoff, Lord Tourrettes gives the advice, "All you really need is a big DICK-". In the Stinger, Blue replies "Figures."
  • Too Good for This Sinful Earth : Kitty Amazing. Poor, poor Kitty Amazing.
  • Trope Name: "Catch phrase."
  • Wangst: Parodied with Bloser, the world's most depressing superhero, who tends to annoy everyone around him with his angsty remarks. His powers apparently involve invoking this in others as well.
  • Your Head Asplode: Red can do this to ninjas.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: in "Zombies & Shotguns"