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Demiveemon funny

DemiVeemon's face says it all

  • Davis the Butt Monkey of the Digimon multiiverse.
    • Yolei doesn't fare much better.
    • So do Mummymon.
  • Yolei's fangirling of Ken.
  • In general, any conversations between Arukenimon and Mummymon are going to turn into this in one way or another.

  Yolei: Duh, I don't want to kiss him Cody...I just want to marry him!

    • Cody's confused "Oh?" makes it even better.

Episode 13[]

  • The Brick Joke in "His Master's Voice". One could only imagine how Jelly Donuts in a swimming pool would look in Real Life.

Episode 15[]

  • DemiVeemon's suggestive face as Davis is giving him a bath.
  • After the Control Spire problem was dealt with, the group is having a trouble about how should they remove the Dark Spiral from ShogunGekomon, which Davis jokingly suggests they should just chopped it off along with his tail. Gekomon and the group, especially Kari, are not so impressed with his idea.
Kari: Davis, sometime you're so insensitive.
Davis: I-I am so sensitive that I use a special toothpaste so my teeth don't hurt when I eat ice cream! 
Kari: *laugh*

Episode 19[]

  • Patamon and Wormmon having a staring contest while their respective owners are fighting.
    • Heck, Wormmon gets some of the BEST lines in the dub!
      • Davis got some pretty hilarious one-liners himself.

Episode 28[]

  • Dub: Arukenimon doesn't take it well regarding the fact that Cody kept calling her "creepy".
Arukenimon: "How DARE you talk about me like I'm some kind of witches!? I dress this way for a fashion statement!"

Episode 29[]

  • (Dub) Davis manages to somehow confuse the fact regarding the "bats and mosquitoes" with the "birds and bees".
  • Davis celebrates the group's victory of dispelling Arukenimon's spell by blowing raspberry at her. She of course, doesn't take it well.
  • After Mummymon saved Arukenimon and they escaped the DigiDestined, this occurs:
Mummymon: Sorry a bad joke. But as soon as we get back to the hideout I'm going to make you look almost as bad as new! Hehehe!

Episode 30[]

  • (Dub) Mummymon lampshading the rather strange choice of location for Arukenimon's bathtub.
Mummymon: A rather unusual place for a tub, don't you think? Well, I guess all you have to do is build the rest of the house around it!
Mummymon: "If she's going to use a hundred Control Spires, how many hairs does she need? Let's see, that's six, carry the four, minus two...that would be one hundred! If you have to use one hundred hairs, you could get a job at the circus as the bald lady! Hahaha!"
Arukenimon (Unamused): "And you can join the circus on the flying trapeze!" (Proceed to throw Mummymon off the cliff into a nearby Control Spire)
  • Believing that Cody and Ken are still akward around each other, Yolei and Davis concocting a plan for the two to work together to destroy a Control Spire.. by claiming that Flamedramon's firepower is not strong enought to shoot down. Veemon is understandably annoyed.
  • Everyone is quite shocked by Davis' wise insight regarding Cody and Ken's animosity toward each other.

Episode 34[]

  • Mummymon's Drive Like Crazy scene. The Dub repeats this joke two more time in the same episode, much to Arukenimon's dismay.
Arukenimon: SLOW DOWN!!
  • While Paildramon engages in battle against Mummymon, Silphymon proceeds to.. bitch slap Arukenimon like crazy (which is cut from the Dub).

Episode 35[]

  • Mummymon and Patamon's dialogues when they start sensing BlackWargreymon's appearance.
Mummymon: Now who could that be all way up here in the north?
Patamon: Something tells that isn't Santa Claus!
  • After having their car knocked away (and spinning around several times) by BlackWargreymon.
Mummymon: "I Think I might need mouth-to-mouth resuscitation."
Arukenimon: "Uhh!! Get off me you fool!"
Mummymon: "A baby? But then he is our child. I always want to be a papa."
Arukenimon: "You're not a daddy you're a mummy! Now keep following him!"
  • After staying overnight, Ken wakes up in the morning because he mistook Davis' snoring for an attack from Arukenimon. Meanwhile, Minomon and DemiVeemon start playing on Davis' bed.
Davis: "I don't remember setting my clock on laugh!"

Episode 36[]

  • (Dub) Arukenimon beats up Mummymon again for his snarkly comment that she will have a hard time finding a nice pair of sandals at Chinatown due to her multiple feet (in her Digimon form). He then procees to retalite by telling her that he loves them even with her pointy toes which further embarasses her.
  • (Dub) When the two order foods
Arukenimon: Yeah! Extra flies for me!
Mummymon: Just hers.
  • When Davis tells Exveemon to prepare to DNA Digivolve and fight Arukenimon and Mummymon:
Davis: DNA Digivolve!
Exveemon: I can't! Stingmon isn't here!
Davis: Oh yeah I forgot! What happened to Ken!? Did he decide to become a maid!?

Episode 38[]

  • There were some good moments in the Dub of Adventure 02. Especially in the Christmas episode, when at two separate occasions, Davis asks his friends if first they want to play strip poker, and then asks them who wants Eggnog. Both times, he's interrupted by his mother.
    • All the dub's jokes came from the same company that dubbed Samurai Pizza Cats. Think on that.
  • The chosen are about to be walked in on and don't want to be caught so they act natural just stare at it for a few seconds.

Episode 43[]

  • Angewomon and LadyDevimon has a slapping cat fight, again.

Episode 45[]

  • When Daemon notices that Oikawa still have many other children implanted with the Dark Spore, the latter has Arukenimon and Mummymon deal with him as usual. Daemon is not impressed.
Daemon: You must be kidding!! (knocking the two into a nearby bush)
  • TK calling Daemon an "Overgrown Pidgeon".

Episode 46[]

  • (Dub) In contrast to the Japanese version, Oikawa instead calmly suggests Arukenimon to let him take the wheel, following by Mummymon's complain that it's him against three Digimon at once.
Oikawa: Maybe I should drive?
Arukenimon: Fine. (Transform and join Mummymon in the battle)
Mummymon: It's about time! It's three on one out here!
  • (Dub) Near the end of the episode, while being chased by Kari, Yolei, TK, and their Digimon.
Mummymon: Hey! Look at the sale price of those jackets!
Oikawa: Will you be quiet!?
  • That's said, it's immediately followed by a Mood Whiplash with Mummymon easily takes out Nefertimon, Aquilamon, and Pegasusmon, allowing him, Arukenimon, and Oikawa to make their escape.

Episode 48[]

Although anything funny in this episode is obviously Harsher in Hindsight given what happened in the second half to both Arukenimon and Mummymon, it does have a few moments.

  • Arukenimon brings up the possibility that the DigiDestined may catch up with their plan, which Oikawa replies that in that case then everything will be over. Mummymon is understandably panic.
Mummymon: "What!? Over!?"
Oikawa: "Over for them, not for us!"
  • Izzy being flustered when his mom telling him over phone that she made some snack for him and his friends while they're tailing the Dark Spore children and is now infact in a nearby phone booth.
  • Mummymon slips up their mission plan to the DigiDestined and gets reprimanded by Arukenimon.
  • (Dub) Oikawa's song is so catchy that Mummymon has to lampshade it.
  • (Dub) Myotismon (in Oikawa form), being a Large Ham he is, proceeds to crack a few jokes despite the situation's tensity.
Myotismon "Oh sorry, Gatomon got your tongue?"
Myotismon "This flower has a roast beef, this flower (etc.)"

Episode 50[]


  • The drama Digimon Adventure 02 CD "Michi E no Armor Shinka". Overall it's hilarious, since it's complete crack, but the scenes that really got this troper were:
    • Tai's cunning plan to distract the evil Digimon by TAP DANCING.
    • Daisuke (Davis) tries to get girls to swoon over him by changing is personality into ... not telling. But a hint: the fangirls (no really!) are asking Ken his autograph, while Wormmon lines them up. Also, the dance floor is attacked and the chosen use the others digieggs for a change. A translation.
    • Davis declaring himself as the new Digimon Emperor (Kaiser), only to have everyone (including the evil Digimon) boo him for being lame, and then have his best friend Ken (the former Kaiser) to mock him and show him how an evil overlord should * really* act.