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The direct sequel Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 in celebration for the franchise's 15th anniversary. Unlike the previous series, where it mostly focused on the new DigiDestined, tri. focuses on the original eight from Digimon Adventure. The plot is set in 2005 (three years after Digimon Adventure 02) during the original DigiDestined's high school years, when some kind of digital distortion is causing "infected" Digimon to begin entering our world and running wild.

Digimon Adventure tri. is a six-film part series:

  • The first installment, Reunion, premiered on November 21st, 2015, as well as on Crunchyroll and other media streaming sites, the former of which split the release into four parts.
  • The second installment, Determination, released on March 12th, 2016, with a home video release in Japan on April 2nd, 2016.
  • The third installment, Confession, released on September 24th, 2016.
  • The fourth installment, Loss, released on February 25th, 2017.
  • The fifth installment, Coexistence, released on September 30th, 2017.
  • The final installment, Our Future, released on May 5th, 2018.