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DATS Agents[]
Marcus Damon (Daimon Masaru)[]

"It's fighting time!"
Voiced by: Soichiro Hoshi (JP), Quinton Flynn (EN) |
Marcus is a fourteen-year-old student who loves to fight and, in a way, considers himself to be an "ultimate fighter" . He lives with his mother Sarah and younger sister Kristy. Marcus meets and fights Agumon in the first episode of the series. When the fight ends in a draw, Agumon agrees to become his partner. Soon afterward, he's recruited as a member of DATS. Marcus is one of the few shown to fight Digimon by himself, though he still counts on Agumon's help to fight the stronger opponents. Even though others can evoke their DNA charges by themselves, Marcus must connect a punch on an enemy to do so, subsequently using it to digivolve Agumon.
After the final battle he decides to stay in the digital world to help keep Digimon in-line.
- Anti-Hero: Type II.
- Badass: What other word describes someone capable of punching out Digimon several hundred times his size?
- Bicep-Polishing Gesture: Done as early as episode 6.
- The Big Guy
- Catch Phrase: "It's fighting time!" in the dub.
- "That's how a man lives!" in the original.
- Dead Sidekick: Agumon gets better, despite Marcus being told he'd lose his memory.
- Delinquents: A banchou in the original.
- Determinator
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: His trademark; nearly every time Agumon needs to digivolve will result in this. And a literal example, as he often literally punches them out.
- On one occasion, he even breaks an unbreakable shield with his bare fist.
- That's nothing; after all, he punched a god... and it broke.
- Goggles Do Nothing: It is such a recognizable image in this franchise that it should be noted that he averts this.
- The Hero
- Hot-Blooded: Extremely. If he didn't have his partner, he'd probably just keep punching his enemies until he got himself killed.
- I Choose to Stay
- Idiot Hero: Okay, he's not an idiot per se, but he never thinks things through.
- The McCoy
- Meaningful Name: Can be read as "daimondai," which sounds like "big problem."
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Thomas' blue.
- Rookie Red Ranger
- Younger Than They Look: Sure, he looks more like his age in a school uniform... but out of it, it's hard to believe he's only 14.
Thomas H. Norstein (Tohma H. Norstein)[]

Voiced by: Hirofumi Nojima (JP), Crispin Freeman (EN) |
Thomas is a 14-year-old boy genius who graduated from the Stockholm Royal University of Science at the age of 13. His abilities are considered élite, even within DATS. He bases his operations on data and theoretical principles, and as such his personality clashes with Marcus'. His mother is Japanese and his father is a prominent Austrian aristocrat named Franz Norstein. Franz and Thomas's mother met while she was an exchange student in Austria, and Thomas lived with his mother in Japan until she died. He was taken back to Austria. He also has a younger sister, Relena, who suffers from a strange disease. It is never shown who Relena's mother is, but she died of complications during childbirth. While Thomas does not particularly care for his cold father, he does love his sister very much and does whatever he can to protect her. Calm and shrewd, he is the exact opposite of Marcus and sees him as a rival. He has an elitist attitude but he gets emotional when thinking of his mother, who died years ago when he was young.
- Anti-Hero: Type III
- Attack Pattern Alpha
- Badass Baritone: Has one (for his age, anyway- he's only 14) in the English dub, courtesy of Crispin Freeman.
- Badass Bookworm: He's a genius, but he's also Marcus' equal in a fight. Well it's kind of the other way around, everyon at DATS were impressed that Marcus tied with him and said he's beaten Olympic level fighters before.
- Big Brother Instinct: Towards his half-sister, Relena
- But Not Too Foreign: Half-Austrian
- Calling the Old Man Out
- Crazy Prepared: In one of the early episodes, Masaru accidentally manages to wipe out a portion, if not all of DATS' database. Conveniently enough, Thomas just happens to have the entire database backed up on a flash-drive. He even says "I anticipated that something like this would happen, so I took a back-up".
- Fake Defector
- Foe Yay: With Nanami, and how.
- Foreshadowing: His "crush" on Marcus's mother and sister hints at his issues with his own deceased mother and Ill Girl little sister. Gaomon also mentions in the first quarter of the series that Thomas is a licensed doctor--in a later episode, Thomas reveals that he's been studying medicine at such an accelerated rate specifically to cure his sister's illness.
- Heroic Bastard
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Crispin Freeman previously voiced Koichi in Frontier
- Japanese Sibling Terminology: Weird case as Thomas is half-Japanese, half-Austrian. His half-sister, Relena, is fully Austrian. She addresses him with the very respectful "oniisama" in the Japanese version, but whether she's "actually" calling him that as an endearment or if it's the Translation Convention in effect isn't clarified. The dub adapts this by having Relena call Thomas "Tommy.")
- The Lancer
- Manipulative Bastard
- Missing Mom: hit by a truck and died
- Mysterious Middle Initial: We never do find out what the "H" stands for...
- Oedipus Rex
- Omniglot: Knows 170 languages from around the world, according to Gaomon.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Marcus' red.
- The Smart Guy
- Spell My Name with an "S"
- The Spock
- Teen Genius
- Welcome Back, Traitor
- Wise Beyond Their Years
- Younger Than They Look: He's supposed to be 14 years old, but he looks at least 4 years older than his designated age.
Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujieda[]

Voiced by: Yui Aragaki (JP), Colleen O'Shaughnessey (EN) |
At eighteen years of age, she is the oldest member of the group, compared to Marcus Damon who is fourteen years old and Thomas H. Norstein who is roughly the same age. Yoshino is independent and sees herself as an older sister figure to her two teammates. Despite her mature demeanor, she hides a terrible burden from her childhood and because of it, she has difficulty believing in her ability to do anything. When she was younger, Yoshino dealt with a severe inferiority complex that stemmed from being unable to be as good as her sisters at anything (the most noteworthy incident was a piano recital). As a result, years later, she still is secretly worried about being useless to anyone. Lalamon had been aware of her suffering for some time and helped her to overcome it. The fact became apparent when she started to feel she was useless to Marcus and Thomas since her Digimon was easily beaten in every single battle they took part in, but she eventually gained her own confidence, which allowed Lalamon to warp digivolve to Lilamon.
- Action Girl (Eventually in the second arc; see below.)
- Catch Phrase: See above.
- Celebrity Voice Actor: In the Japanese version, she was voiced by Yui Aragaki, a famous teen model-turned-actress-turned-singer.
- The Chick
- Cool Big Sis: She thinks she's this, but Lalamon disagrees.
- Drives Like Crazy
- Faux Action Girl: While Yoshino and her partner are portrayed as long-standing DATS officers, they often didn't really do much when it was fighting time except offer extra targets for the Monster of the Week at first. The feeling that she was inadequate was then made a key part of Yoshino's character and by episode 17 or 18 she does make the jump from Faux Action Girl to a more legit Action Girl.
- Fiery Redhead
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Her English voice actress played Sora in the first two seasons.
- The Kirk
- The Smurfette Principle: Of the human half of the team.
- Team Mom
Keenan Crier (Noguchi Ikuto)[]

Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya (JP), Brianne Siddall (EN) |
As opposed to the other members of DATS, Keenan did not live in the human world, nor did he originally have a particular liking for it. Though originally born on Earth to the DATS scientists Kevin and Michelle Krier (Kenji and Misuzu Noguchi), he was accidentally transported to the Digital World as an infant. In the Digital World, he was raised by a Frigimon, who acted a a mother figure to him. Falcomon was raised alongside him like a brother. Following her death, he was raised by Merukimon, who became a father figure to him. He believes in defending the peace of the Digital World, and also believed that humans were nothing but a threat to it. Despite his young age, Keenan has great fighting skill (many of his moves mirror the ninja-like aspects of Falcomon). He wields a boomerang, and wears a cape and a necklace adorned with feathers, and also has facepaint.
- And This Is For: After Merukimon is killed by Kurata, he says this in regards to him before making Falcomon warp digivolve to Crowmon and curbstomp the Gizumon XT who killed Merukimon.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Lets not forget that this is a ten year old kid who, in most episodes is pulling stunts of strength and agility that would turn an Olympic Athlete green with envy. The best representation of this is the episode where he finally meets his parents and he carries his own mother out of their possessed house, making multi-story jumps the entire time. Once again, to reiterate, this kid is TEN YEARS OLD!
- Fourth Ranger
- Heel Face Turn
- Tarzan Speak: Strangely enough, even though Digimon usually speak normally, so being raised by them really shouldn't have affected his speech pattern. He gets better by the end of the show.
- Let's You and Him Fight: Keenan vs. other humans, until...
- Raised By Mons
Miki Kurosaki & Megumi Shirakawa[]

Miki voiced by: Ai Nagano (JP), Kate Higgins (EN) |
The computer operators at DATS, who generally give data on the digimon the team is facing. After the final battle, they become police officers.
- Action Girls: Whenever they get off the bridge.
- Bridge Bunnies
- Calling Your Attacks: The girls have to call the attacks for their PawnChessmon, who are mute.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: More dub Naruto regulars, Stephanie Sheh as Megumi and Kate Higgins as Miki!
- Let's Get Dangerous
- Lovely Angels
- Meaningful Name/ Color Coded for Your Convenience: The "kuro" in "Kurosaki" means "black," while the "shira" in "Shirakawa" means "white." Bet you can guess which PawnChessmon belongs to which bunny now!
- Shout-Out: To Futari wa Pretty Cure.
Richard Sampson (Satsuma Rentarou)[]

The Commander of DATS Japan, giving the three main members their orders. He also worked with Yushima as a private investigator, which led to them joining the expedition to the digital world and meeting Spencer Damon.
Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki (JP), Jamieson Price (EN) |
- Badass Longcoat: And how.
- Badass Baritone: Commanding and damn scary when he raises his voice. Yoshino (and merchandise) even mention his nickname as "Oni no Ikkatsu". (lit. 'The Demon's Thunderous Roar')
- The Captain
- Da Chief: The team (and us viewers) found out the hard way how loud he is when you screw up royally. Used for comedic effect in Episode 20.
- Cool Shades: Never once takes them off. Ever. Not even in the dark.
- Heroic Sacrifice: At least in intent, though it didn't result in his death. He was out of the way for quite a while, though.
- Let's Get Dangerous
- The Stoic
- Team Dad
Homer Yushima (Yushima Hiroshi)[]

A mysterious old man who gave Marcus his Digivice and some advice several times throughout the series. Eventually revealed to be the chief officer of DATS and the partner of Kamemon, as well as a member of the first expedition to the Digital World.
Voiced by: Yuuichi Yagashima (JP), Kirk Thornton (EN) |
- Badass Grandpa: He is, to date, the oldest human in a Digimon series to own a Digivice of some kind and have a Digimon partner.
- Cool Old Guy
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Kirk Thornton, who has appeared in every Digimon dub in some form, most notably as Gabumon and Mummymon.
- Let's Get Dangerous
Spencer Damon (Daimon Suguru)[]

Voiced by: Eiji Takemoto (JP), Jeff Nimoy (EN) |
The legacy of Dr. Spencer Damon is felt throughout the series, even though he does not appear in it personally at first. He is Marcus's father, and a member of the expedition to the Digital World. When the group was forced to escape back to the human world, he stayed behind to make sure they could escape, and for a while, it was unknown what happened to him. That is, until the answers were revealed by the Digimon called Mercurimon. Spencer had remained back in the Digital World in order to seek out the "god" of the Digital World named King Drasil. Before that, however, he created the Digivice, and sent the data for it to the human world along with Kudamon and Kamemon. After making a deal with Mercurimon to preserve the peace of both worlds, he departed.
Over time, he was joined in his search by BanchoLeomon until they found King Drasil, but things went wrong and by the time Marcus and gang confronted King Drasil, it used Spencer's soulless body as its own. The soul of Spencer himself was taken in by BanchouLeomon at the last second when the Royal Knights advanced on them. However, thanks to his friend's sacrifice, Spencer was restored and King Drasil was purged from his body. Spencer returns to his family at the end of the last episode.
- Badass Bookworm: He was recruited into the original Digital World exploration team due to his scientific knowledge, and he was the original designer of the Digivice. He survived in the Digital World with his bare hands and the power of Digisoul/DNA charge.
- Big Good
- Demonic Possession: His body was taken by Yggdrasil/King Drasil sometime before his reunion with his son.
- Disappeared Dad
- Genius Bruiser
- Hot-Blooded/ Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: It runs in the family, though Suguru isn't above resolving things peacefully before the punching starts. To get the whole point across, he beat Saber Leomon with his bare hands when the teams Digimon couldn't even scratch him.
- Meaningful Name: 大門 (Dai Mon means "Great Gate" in Japanese, and he was a member of the first Digital World expedition.)
- The Messiah: Lamarck Was Right?
- Mysterious Parent
Partner Digimon[]

Voiced by: Taiki Matsuno (JP), Brian Beacock (EN) |
Agumon adores his partner Marcus, and considers himself to be "Marcus's employee". He even refers to Marcus as his Boss (though in the original Japanese he is referred to as aniki which is slang for bro... and what members of the Yakuza use to refer to their boss.) In the first episode, he is referred to by the code-name of Raptor-1 by DATS.
His digivolutions are as follows:
- In-Training: Koromon, a round, pink mon, with long ears, red eyes, and sharp teeth. Blows bubbles.
- Rookie: Agumon, his default form. Note that he is different from his Digimon Adventure counterpart due to a pair of red wristbands on his hands and is considerably large.
- Champion: GeoGreymon. Essentially Agumon, but proper dinosaur size, lots of spikes, a carapace on its head, and a massive fire attack.
- Ultimate: RizeGreymon. GeoGreymon, with added mecha-armor, red hair, wings, and a giant revolver arm.
- Mega: ShineGreymon. A winged knight-like dragon-themed warrior.
- ShineGreymon Ruin Mode, a dark version of Burst Mode with black flames.
- Burst Mode: ShineGreymon Turns Red and gains wings, a sword, and a shield made of fire.
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Arm bands
- Big Eater: A common trait on this show but Agumon is the biggest eater of them all.
- Bishonen Line: Shinegreymon
- Deadly Upgrade: ShineGreymon Ruin Mode
- Death Glare: After becoming ShineGreymon Burst Mode and easily blocking Kurata's attack, he gives one to Kurata while performing an Unflinching Walk slowly towards him. His expression can only be described as "I'm going to kill you".
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Expy: to the original Agumon and its digivolution line.
- Fan Nickname: Takatomon, due to having the same English voice actor as Takato
- Incendiary Exponent: ShineGreymon Burst Mode full stop.
- Informed Ability: The Geo Grey Sword is supposed to be a powerful weapon when ShineGreymon first whips it out to defeat Bio Darkdramon. After that, it's sole purpose is to be pulled out, prove completely useless against the Monster of the Week and then tossed aside so that ShineGreymon's Burst Mode can do the real fighting.
- Playing with Fire
- Power Gives You Wings: ShineGreymon already had wings, but going into burst mode turns them into wings of fire.
- Theme Naming: RizeGreymon is followed by ShineGreymon.
- The Power of the Sun: ShineGreymon gathers solar energy for its special attack, and its Burst Mode is full-on powered by the sun.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Fried eggs.
- Weapon of Choice
- Arm Cannon: RizeGreymon
- Cool Sword: ShineGreymon's GeoGrey Sword.
- Revolvers Are Just Better: RizeGreymon
"Sir, yes Sir!"
Incredibly loyal to Thomas, Gaomon is the strong and quiet type, though he talks more in later episodes. He tends to blush when complimented. He almost always addresses Thomas as "Sir". He tends to be sarcastic towards Agumon.
Voiced by: Kazuya Nakai (JP), Skip Stellrecht (EN) |
His digivolutions are as follows:
- In-Training: Wanyamon, a fluffy, blue mon with a cat face and a W on his forehead.
- Rookie: Gaomon, his default form.
- Champion: Gaogamon. Essentially Gaomon on four legs, with a scarf, and more wolf-like.
- Ultimate: MachGaogamon. Gaogamon, with added mecha-armor, and wrestling gear.
- Mega: MirageGaogamon. A knight-like wolf-themed warrior with a big red cape.
- Burst Mode: MirageGaogamon gains jet thrusters and a giant sickle / flail made of light.
- Big Badass Wolf
- Bishonen Line: Miragegaogamon
- Blow You Away
- Cool Shades: As MachGaogamon.
- Expy: To Gabumon and its digivolution line.
- Gratuitous English/Catch Phrase: "Yes, Master!"/"Sir, yes Sir!"
- Lunacy: MirageGaogamon Burst Mode gains its power from the moon.
- Megaton Punch: MachGaogamon's Winning Knuckle.
- Omniglot: Like Thomas, he apparently knows 170 different languages.
- Pet the Dog: He blushes when commented on by Kristy and Relena.
- Power Makes Your Hair Grow: Burst Mode.
- Red Boxing Gloves
- Satellite Character
- Weapon of Choice
- Chest Blaster: MirageGaogamon's Full Moon Blaster.
- Epic Flail: MirageGaogamon's weapon in Burst Mode.
Voiced by: Yukana (JP), Dorothy Fahn (EN) |
Yoshi's partner has been with her for years. Though kind-natured, she isn't above teasing her companion.
Her digivolutions are as follows:
- In-Training: Budmon, a green mon with a leaf and three purple thorns.
- Rookie: Lalamon, her default form.
- Champion: Sunflowmon. Has a dragon-esque green body with leaf wings and a big sunflower for a head.
- Ultimate: Lilamon. A pink and green pixie with flowers for her hands and feet.
- Mega: Rosemon. A red-clad female warrior wielding a vine whip and rapier.
- Burst Mode: Rosemon turns white and gains a pink rosary of floating jewels.
- Bishojo Line: As you may have guessed.
- Fan Service: Rosemon
- Faux Action Girl: Gets better as Yoshino does. Lampshaded in the "Tokuten Eizou" special (essentially a Clip Show with commentary from the main three Digimon), with both Agumon and Gaomon noting that Lalamon was basically useless before she became Lilamon.
- Gainaxing: Rosemon, with more fanservice than the rest of the series combined.
- Green Thumb
- Lady of War: Rosemon only. She's usually pretty silly, otherwise.
- Ms. Fanservice: As Rosemon, not only her transformation shows her naked, but also her attack Forbidden Temptation and her breasts have a tendency of "jump" when she fights.
- Plant Aliens
- Shipper on Deck: (In episode 32 she as Rosemon, tries to get Yoshino to go on a date with Ivan to the mall)
- Shout-Out/Expy: Sunflowmon resembles the Pokémon Sunflora, astonishingly enough, but what sells it is that her attack is Sunshine Beam. Which is pretty similar to Pokémon's Solarbeam.
- Her evolution line is a parallel to the Palmon line, with Palmon and Togemon switching places (chubby plant-flower-fairy instead of flower-chubby plant-fairy). Unsurprising as both reach the same Mega form.
- And additional shout out occurs in the twenty-minute "movie" in which Lalamon shows that she knows kung fu and proceeds to beat up mooks while doing Bruce Lee imitations and wielding nun-chucks made out of sausages.
- The Smurfette Principle: Of the Digimon half of the team.
- Whip It Good: As Rosemon.
Voiced by: Chie Kujiro (JP), Steve Blum (EN) |
His digivolutions are as follows:
- Rookie: Falcomon, his default form.
- Champion: Peckmon, a yellow, ninja-gear clad ostrich.
- Ultimate: Crowmon (Yatagaramon), a black and purple crow with golden armor and three legs.
- Mega: Ravemon, a samurai with silver bird armor, one white wing, and one black wing.
- Burst Mode: Ravemon's arms and wings merge and turn glowy purple. His armor turns white.
- Call a Smeerp a Rabbit: Can't the designers tell an owl from a falcon?
- Though in his defense, Falcomon's original design looked a lot more like a falcon than his current one.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: It'll be noticeable by the first digivolution that it's Steve Blum.
- While Japanese Zatch Bell fans are likely to recognize Chie Kujiro as Coral Q.
- Ninja: Is it any wonder he and Keenan recruit Ninjamon later on?
- Owl Be Damned: Despite the name.
- Polly Wants a Microphone
- Ravens and Crows: Yatagaramon and Ravemon.
PawnChessmon Black & White[]
No voice actors |
Their digivolutions are as follows:
- Rookie: PawnChessmon, their default form.
- Champion: KnightChessmon. Centaurian warriors wielding giant darts.
- Ultimate (Black): RookChessmon. A giant, black, humanoid castle.
- Ultimate (White): BishopChessmon. A white mechanical bishop.
- Bishonen Line: The supplementary materials reveal this to be true of RookChessmon's mega form Queenchessmon
- Chess Motifs
- Color Coded for Your Convenience
- Let's Get Dangerous
- The Voiceless: There's a scene in the final episode where the Bridge Bunnies decide they should all go sing karaoke...
Voiced by: Nanaho Katsuragi (JP), Sam Riegel (EN) |
His digivolutions are as follows:
- Rookie: Kudamon, his default form.
- Champion: Reppamon, a large white fox with a sickle for a tail.
- Ultimate: Qilinmon, a green Chinese unicorn with big white wings.
- Mega: Kentaurosmon (Sleipmon), a giant eight-legged Equitar with red armor and a big crossbow. One of the Royal Knights.
- Becoming the Mask: He was member of the Royal Knights and was sent by King Drasil to spy on humans, but became fond of them and changed sides.
- Head Pet: Well, Neck Pet.
- Let's Get Dangerous
- Took a Level In Badass: His Mega form is a freaking Royal Knight!
Voiced by: Naozumi Takahashi (JP), Jeff Nimoy (EN) |
His digivolutions are as follows:
- Rookie: Kamemon, his default form.
- Champion: Gawappamon, a green plush turtle that fires CDs from it's head.
- Ultimate: Shawjamon, a white clad amphibious Digimon wielding a mystical staff.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Chekhov's Gunman
- Let's Get Dangerous
- Shout-Out: His Champion form is a techno variation on the traditional Japanese kappa water sprites. His Ultimate form is a shout out to Sha Wujing from Journey to the West. And finally, supplemental materials reveal that his Mega form is a shout out to Gamera.
- Shrinking Violet
- Took a Level In Badass
- Turtle Power
- The Voiceless: Most of the time.
Yoshi: ...I forgot he could talk. |
- Badass Longcoat
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Luke, I Am Your Father: shares a body with Marcus' Disappeared Dad
- Mega Neko
- Mysterious Protector
- Oral Fixation Fixation
- Running Gag: He's an evolution of Leomon. You know how this goes.
- Sink or Swim Mentor
Other Characters[]
Sarah Damon (Daimon Sayuri)[]

Voiced by: Mariko Kouda (JP), Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (EN) |
Sarah is Marcus and Kristy's mother, as well as Spencer Damon's wife. While she first appeared, she reacted somewhat casually to Agumon's presence, it was eventually revealed that she had been knowledgeable of the existence of Digimon for some time. Though kind and supportive of her son, she is somewhat fearful when he voiced that he had to go to the Digital World and stop the machinations of Kurata. Her memories of the family's time with Agumon were temporarily erased, but that seems to have been reversed. She later appears to give the former DATS team dinner, and is very dumbfounded when meeting BanchoLeomon for the first time.
- Hot Mom: So much that Thomas gets a crush on her. Marcus wasn't impressed.
- Open-Minded Parent
- Relationship Voice Actor: Melissa Fahn and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn played another mother/daughter team in Tamers, Rika and Rumiko Nonaka
- Team Mom: Very friendly to the entire DATS team, and even hosts a dinner for them!
Kristy Damon (Daimon Chika)[]

Voiced by: Kokoro Kikuchi (JP), Melissa Fahn (EN) |
Kristy is Marcus's sister. She was immediately taken with and friendly towards Marcus's rival and friend Thomas, and it was her wish that he escort her and her mother on her birthday. Later, Kristy befriended a newly hatched Digimon who eventually became Biyomon, but this relationship ended when Biyomon was struck down, and later driven to madness after being revived. When her friend was finally defeated, Kristy was happy to know her friend no longer had to suffer. He comes later back as her partner.
- Annoying Younger Sibling
- I Know You Are in There Somewhere Fight: Fails one of these with Garudamon.
- Japanese Sibling Terminology: Calls her brother "Masaru-niichan"
- Playing Against Type: Compare Kristy's personality to that of Rika's personality or Gaz's personality and you'll see a big difference.
- Relationship Voice Actor: To Mary Elizabeth McGlynn's Sarah.
Biyomon (Piyomon)[]
Voiced by: Haruhi Terada (JP), Terrence Stone (EN) |
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Heroic Sacrifice: A really dumb one, but still...Though he isn't Killed Off for Real.
- Playing with Fire: As Garudamon.
- Polly Wants a Microphone
- The Promise
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: As Puwamon, his baby form, which can best be described as a little ball of feathers with big Puppy Dog Eyes.
Akihiro Kurata[]

A cowardly scientist who used to work with Satsuma, Yushima, Suguru, and Ikuto's parents, and accompanied them on the first expedition into the Digital World. His experiences and activities there were less than positive. Several years later, he's somehow curried the favour of the politicians in charge of DATS and uses this influence to first accompany the team into the Digital World, then when that doesn't go quite as planned, to convince the government that both Digimon and DATS are a threat and to have them wiped out and arrested respectively. Things continue to go pear-shaped from there. As the series goes on, he's shown to have no regard for human life either, and in fact he's real plan with the data he took from the Digital World was to revive a powerful digimon called Belphemon and use him to Take Over the World.
Voiced by: Masami Kikuchi (JP), Brian Palermo (EN) |
- Absent-Minded Professor: A bit of one when first introduced, particularly when he's around digimon, since he has "allergies" towards them. Of course, this demeanor is a ruse.
- Ax Crazy
- Big Bad: No, he's not the final opponent... but pretty much everything that goes wrong in the series is his fault, so...
- Catch Phrase: The Gratuitous English line above.
- Despotism Justifies the Means: His ultimate plan.
- Dirty Coward: He's a genocidal monster, but when the tables turn on him, he reacts with complete fear. In the end he responds by begging ShineGreymon Burst Mode to stay back and begs for his life and then asking for someone to save him before he gets vaporized.
- Disk One Final Boss: After he's delt with, the heroes then have to deal with the justifiably infuriated digital God his actions convinced to Kill All Humans.
- Fantastic Racism: Against Digimon.
- Faux Affably Evil: His humorous quirks only emphasize how he is easily the most monstrous villain of any Digimon canon.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: Well he most certainly is, and because of it, the Digimon believe this about all humans.
- Humiliation Conga: After ShineGreymon evolves to Burst Mode, the fight becomes this for him. First, ShineGreymon preceeds to literally tear his One-Winged Angel form apart around him and shrugs off his counterattack like it was nothing. His dialog after that is consists almost entirely of begging for his life as he's soundly defeated in one punch. To add insult to injury, his attempt to destroy the Digital World with his dying breath backfires and results in his death as he's screaming for someone to save him. Sure, that did set up the next arc, but he didn't know that, his last memories are being vaporised by his own revenge plot while dying as he lived as a scared, pathetic man. Due to him being the most evil Digimon villain ever, his downfall is extremely satisfying.
- Hypocrite: Okay Kurata, you hate Digimon. So how come so many of your plans and experiments rely on Digimon, your three lackeys can transform into Digimon, and you even merge with a Digimon! Shouldn't you not be able to stand it? Thomas even calls him on this!
- He's much worse than that; he believes digimon are dangerous beasts because a Lynxmon had previously attacked him, except that the audience can see that the digimon had only attacked him after he had shot at it. Additionally Kurata reveals that he had invaded and committed genocide on the Digital world which meant a LOT of permanent deaths, among them Keenan's adoptive mother, while accusing the Digimon of eventually attacking the Real World due to their vicious nature!
- He never cared about the damage done by Digimon, he always had plans to use Belphemon to rule the human world, who coincidentally, does more damage in his rampage then all the earlier Digimon COMBINED. Really, his attitude can be summed up as It's All About Me.
- Karmic Death: And how! Although unfortunately, his action that accidentally caused his own death also had some terrible unforseen consequences as well. Still doesn't change the fact he got exactly what he deserved though.
- Knight of Cerebus
- Mad Scientist
- Manipulative Bastard
- Oh Crap: His reaction to ShineGreymon Burst Mode. His Oh Craps get progressively larger as ShineGreymon shrugs off his counterattack like it was nothing, shoots him an absolutely hate-filled Death Glare while performing an Unflinching Walk straight towards him, and finally when Marcus prepares to punch his face in. His biggest one, however, comes when his final plan fails to destroy the Digital World as he'd wanted and he's killed in the resulting reaction.
- Omnicidal Maniac: He wishes to kill all Digimon. There's a reason fans consider him worse than Myotismon...
- This was his initial goal but he eventually changes his mind when he realizes Digimon can be controlled. He still keeps up the act however as part of his bid to get the government on his side, who end up funding his Take Over the World scheme.
- One-Winged Angel: Merges with Belphemon to become Belphemon Rage Mode, his face appearing in its chest.
- Playing Against Type: This is Tenchi and Keiichi, folks. Not to mention Digimon's own beloved Jou, Demon, Dolphin, and freakin' Neemon.
- You'd feel more home if you compare him to Tales of Rebirth's Saleh, whose willingness to do evil is ramped Up to Eleven
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Smug Snake: Most notably shown when he mocks Suguru even when the man stayed behind to allow the rest of the team to escape.
- The Sociopath
- Ungrateful Bastard: Towards Spencer Damon.
- Xanatos Speed Chess: Very good at this.

Voiced by: Ryoko Ono (JP), Philece Sampler (EN) |
- Blondes Are Evil: Before her Heel Face Turn.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Expy: Wait, since when is Misa Amane a genius?
- Juvia Lockser isn't a blonde.
- Fan Nickname: Bio Trio, with Ivan and Kouki.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant AND Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant
- Foe Yay: If you've seen the scene, it's pretty self-explanatory.
- Heel Face Turn: In the last episode.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Perky Female Minion
- Purple Eyes
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: With Ivan and Kouki.
- Teen Genius: Revealed to be one in the episode where she fights Thomas.
- Victorious Loser: Thomas wins the fight, but she definitely gets the last laugh.

Voiced by: Takanori Hoshino (JP) |
- Anti-Villain: Type IV
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: Living embodiment of this trope...
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: His two Bio-Hybrid forms, Bio-Stegomon and Bio-Spinomon.
- Fan Nickname: Bio Trio, with Nanami and Kouki.
- Foe Yay: Has a super crush on Yoshino.
- Gratuitous English: Calls Yoshino "honey"
- Heel Face Turn: In the last episode.
- Punch Clock Villain: He's not really evil.
- Russian Guy Suffers Most: Ivan serves Kurata because he has a ton of adorable siblings to support.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: With Nanami and Kouki.

Voiced by: KENN (JP), Dave Wittenberg (EN) |
- Ax Crazy
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Blood Knight
- The Dragon: For one episode, anyway.
- Evil Counterpart: To Masaru.
- Fan Nickname: Bio Trio, with Nanami and Ivan.
- Foe Yay: Kouki's a bit too obsessed with beating Masaru...
- For the Evulz: Seems to be the only reason he works for Kurata. He's the only one of his trio who does not undergo a Heel Face Turn in the end, and is still misbehaving 5 years into the future.
- Jerkass
- Psycho for Hire
- Relationship Voice Actor: KENN is most often known as Judai Yuki in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. In the same series, Agumon's seiyuu voiced Manjoume!
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: With Nanami and Ivan.
King Drasil (Yggdrasil)[]
The god of the Digital World. He's not impressed with how humans have been wrecking his world lately.
Voiced by: Rika Fukami (JP), Jonathan David Cook and Mona Marshall (EN) |
- Anti-Villain: Type III. The guy is only trying to protect the Digimon and Kurata tried to genocide them, it's only natural he'd come to think Humans Are the Real Monsters. That and the two worlds are about to collide and from his perspective due to Kurata's actions, destroying the human world is the best option.
- Big Bad: Of the final arc. However, Kurata is still directly responsable for this and the overall Big Bad of the series, so King Drasil is actually just the Final Boss.
- God Is Evil: Subverted. He's normally a pretty good guy, it's just a Complete Monster of a human tried to destroy his subjects, convincing him that Humans Are the Real Monsters.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: Thanks to Kurata's completely unprovoked attempted genocide of the Digimon, he's come to believe this. Marcus manages to convince him otherwise in the end.
- Master Computer: Is revealed to be the computer that oversees the Digital World. His realizing the limitations this comes with is a major plot point.
- One-Winged Angel: After being defeated in Spencer Damon's body, he transforms into a massive machine form.
- Physical God: Is the god of the Digital World and pretty much has the power to back that up.