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  • Why did Emilia have to be destroyed after compilation?, if he just made a back-up of her before compiling the payload, then he could have destroyed reaper and then recreated emilia. It isn't like file copying didn't exist on the Amiga.
    • (Answer taken from youtube) The only problem with that is the memory storage capacity on the Amie Workbench(42k if i recall). Seeing as Emilia was an AI, she most likely took a copious amount of data on the Player's computer/network. The computer itself probably just didn't have enough memory to handle two Emilias at the same time.]
    • Additionally, this is already answered by some of the in-game threads in The Underground Library. Long story short, Emilia's code won't allow for two Emilias on the same system, even if your computer could handle it; her code - and that of every other AI is set up to wipe itself when they move from one system to another. There's no way to save her, and she knows it.
      • You could still make an external backup that can't be destroyed, like putting it on a floppy and taking that out before.