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  • Accidental Innuendo: There are quite a few examples. A recurring one is for the camera to suddenly cut to a character quietly snickering, making the line that came before sound dirty.
    • The box art of Animal Soccer World
      • "Big round of applause for the incredible porn!"
      • "OH! Grommel, not that hard! I didn't know you could shoot that hard."
    • Dalmatians 3: "It better looked like it was licked clean! Your mother was very good at that."
    • Countryside Bears: "He... can't... his leg, you know, the one, I mean, the one that... he... stuck in my house that is still... hurting it- him-..."
    • Hunchback of Notredame: "He could still feel the vibration of the bells, and that was enough to keep him happy."
    • Anastasia: "He won't molest you again so quickly."
  • Designated Hero: Tio in Dinosaur Adventure is a shrill, deceitful, ignorant little Jerkass who's friends with an idiotic, malformed pterodactyl. And we're supposed to sympathize with him.
    • Ditto for Wabuu the raccoon.
  • Did Not Do the Research: Plague of rats in Moses: The Prince of Egypt.
    • Everything in Dinosaur Adventure.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The head bobbing guy in Aladin appears for about three seconds, yet many viewers consider him to be the best part of the movie.
  • Good Bad Translation: Sometimes played straight and sometimes averted entirely for not translating a few parts.
    • For an example, in Legend of Pocahontas, Pocahontas yells "NEIN! NEIN!" when an old man Shoots Quickspear while having three arms.
    • Signs and other things in the background aren't translated at all. That's why even in the English versions, there are "polizei" (police) cars or signs in front of an animal shelter that read "tierheim" (animal home).
    • When any of the characters start to sing, you can hear the original language in the background.
      • In the English dub of Animal Soccer World, the football anthem is sung in Dutch over the original German.
  • Memetic Mutation: The odd 'head bobbing guy' as seen in Aladin.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Dinosaur Adventure gets rather unnerving at times with the malformed dinosaurs, harsh voice acting, and scenes of volcanic annihilation.
    • Occasionally, presumably because it's cheaper to animate, characters' heads will pulsate if crying or flaring up. Said effect makes you think their craniums are about to explode. One particular example is the baby in Mouse Police.
    • Wabuu's feet, when he is in motion, behave as flagellum (in other words, they whip the ground to move him forward).
    • Heheheheheheheheheh...
  • Painful Rhyme: "Shuppi duppi doo, I am the Wabuu. I roam around the forest and I don't need any SHOE."
    • One of the dinosaurs in Dinosaur Adventure does nothing but produce painful rhymes.
    • In Legend of Pocahontas, there's a song rhyming "luck" with "back". It works perfectly well in German (glück/zurück)... but not quite so well in English.
  • So Bad It's Good: Half of their cartoons or their parts. The other half are just plain rubbish.
  • So Unfunny It's Funny: When it's not just bad.
  • Special Effect Failure: Several examples, verging from floating branches and disembodied camels to vibrating heads.
  • Surprise Creepy: Wabuu's story in Countryside Bears.
  • That Reminds Me of a Song: Wabuu's song in every animation he's been in qualifies. As do the songs in Pocahontas and Aladin.
  • Uncanny Valley: The male lead in Anastasia is traced from the female lead in Don Bluth's film and the result doesn't look right.
  • Unfortunate Character Design: The Roo Captain Ersatz in Countryside Bears has a doll in her pouch. At first glance it doesn't quite look like a doll.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Is it just me, or does the Genie character look like a bad '30s-era caricature of a Jew?
    • And, ironically, the Pharaoh from Moses too?