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Friends 3112

Clockwise from the left: Amber, Dink, Scat, Crusty, Shyler and Flapper.

One of the 1980s cartoon series for which you see very little nostalgia, Dink the Little Dinosaur is the story of a young apatosaur named Dink and his friends Amber (a corythosaur), Scat (a compsognathus... maybe), Shyler (an edaphosaur), and Flapper (a pteranodon), who live in the peaceful Mesozoic paradise of Green Meadow and learn important life lessons from an old turtle --with hair-- named Crusty. The series depicts the characters' childhood shenanigans and their scuffles with the evil carnivore Tyrannor.

Hey, wait a minute...!!

The series has been uploaded to YouTube. The first episode can be found here.

This series contains examples of:[]

  • Ambiguous Gender - Shyler. See Viewer Gender Confusion below.
  • Bloodless Carnage - Shockingly averted in the fourth episode of the series, entitled White Beauty. A dinosaur that has been outcast from society gets into a fight with Tyrannor, and Amber runs off to get help. When the gang comes back to the scene of the battle, there's a trail of blood that they follow to where the dinosaur is hiding out.
  • Carnivore Confusion - Interestingly, the main group features two carnivores: Flapper and Scat.
    • There's also an episode entitled The Gentle Hunter, which could be renamed "Carnivore Confusion: the Dramatization".
    • Well, pterosaurs aren't generally thought of as predators, and Scat is at the very least omnivorous as he is shown chasing some "honey fruit" in the first episode.
  • Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
  • Follow the Leader - Conspicuously, the series premiered one year after The Land Before Time (the 1988 original).
  • Rampage From a Nail - Dink and his friends once helped a really huge dinosaur with that problem.
  • Stock Dinosaurs - See that link right there that says Stock Dinosaurs? Click it, read the page, then come back here. Done? Good. That's pretty much the list of dinosaurs in this show.
  • Unfortunate Name - Dink and Scat.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion - Shyler is, in fact, male.