Dino Dan is a live action television series on Nick Jr.
It follows the adventures of a young boy named Dan who is obsessed with dinosaurs. He lives and breathes dinosaurs. He seems to be the only one who is able to see the dinosaurs in his neighborhood, though it's never explained how he's able to, be it due to his active imagination or he's hallucinating them.
The show provides examples of the following tropes:[]
- Accidentally Accurate: The episode "Gasosaurus", in that there actually is a dinosaur bearing that name.
- Aerith and Bob: Trek and Dan.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Trek, especially in the episode where he makes a point of mimicking his older brother.
- Canada, Eh?: Blink and you miss it, but the show does admit it's set in Canada occasionally, most notably in one episode where Dan's mom is going to work in her Toronto PD uniform. That and they spend entire episodes at the Toronto Zoo & Royal Ontario Museum.
- Call a Rabbit a Smeerp: The Dinocorder, in particular.
- Christmas Episode: The episode includes a rhyme that is set to the same meter as "A Visit from St. Nicholas."
- Conspicuous CG: The dinosaurs often stick out like a sore thumb, and at times, border on Special Effects Failure.
- Creative Closing Credits: Footage of Dinosaurs alternates with the end credits.
- The Danza: Ricardo (Hoyos).
- Disappeared Dad: Dan and Trek's father is said to be working in a museum in Alberta, British Columbia.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Fair Cop: Dan and Trek's mother.
- Gasshole: The Brachiosaurus.
- Great Big Book of Everything: Dan's field guide, which gets regular updates.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: The Gym teacher crushes your head.
- Dan's friends with Zig Novak.
- I See Them, Too: Trek, Dan, and the dinosaurs.
- Instrumental Theme Tune: Very rare for contemporary children's programming.
- Insistent Terminology: It's Dinocorder, not recorder.
- Kiai: Dan's family has adopted karate as a hobby.
- Ptero-Soarer: The Quetzalcoatlus is bipedal and eats fish. The Pterodactylus can carry a golf ball with its feet. Both are scaly.
- Raptor Attack: The Dromaeosaurus do have feathers, but they're the wrong kind (they should be pennaceous, not protofeathers) and should have wings. Also, the palms face the wrong way (they should face each other, not the body).
- Roger Rabbit Effect
- Serious Business: Dan's passion for palaentology is truly noteworthy.
- Something Person: Dino Dan himself.
- Somewhere a Palaeontologist Is Crying: As mentioned above, only some dinosaur portrayals are accurate.
- Stock Dinosaurs
- Tyrannosaurus Rex