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Dinosaurs are blasted up from the ocean off of a Caribbean island. Frozen solid, they are brought to shore and revived by lightning. They proceed to run amok, along with a Caveman who was frozen along with them. The islanders are soon cut off from outside help and must survive the night.
Tropes Include:[]
- Artistic License Geography: Freezing cold currents in the Caribbean.
- All Cavemen Were Neanderthals: The Caveman is pretty clearly a Neanderthal.
- A Boy and His X: Hulio pals around with the Brontosaurus and the caveman for quite a bit.
- Big Fun: Dumpy. Yes, that is the character's name.
- Contemporary Caveman: The Caveman, one of the earliest in movies. Easily the funniest parts of the movie are him dealing with things like wax fruit and mirrors.
- Distressed Damsel: Betty.
- The Ditz: Jasper.
Hacker: "...I didn't know you were an anthropologist." |
- Despair Event Horizon: Julio crosses it after the Caveman does his Heroic Sacrifice and the apparent death off the Brontosaurus at the teeth of the Rex.
- The End - or Is It?: The T Rex is knocked back into the cold water at the end of the movie and the movie implies that it's still not dead.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water: The Caveman does not understand modern day life, which makes him one of the most endearing characters in the whole movie.
- Grievous Bottley Harm: Subverted, the bottle breaks in Hacker's hand when he tries to make it deadlier, cutting him badly.
- Human Popsicle: The Caveman and the Dinosaurs.
- Heroic Sacrifice: The Caveman chooses to save his friends by holding up the collapsing mine. He doesn't make it out.
- Jerkass: Hacker.
- Morality Chain: Julio to the Caveman.
- Misplaced Wildlife: The Dinosaurs and Caveman are not from that part of the world nor were they contemporaneous.
- Mr. Exposition: The boy, Julio, knows everything about dinosaurs and if he doesn't know something, he asks a question about it, causing others to exposit.
- Prehistoric Monster: The T Rex is a killing machine. Racking an (off screen) body count of at least a dozen.
- Quicksand Sucks: up the poor Brontosaurus.
- Rip Van Winkle: The Dinosaurs, but especially the Caveman. This trope is also discussed with the Caveman.
- Say My Name: A LOT.
- Stock Dinosaurs: Tyrannosaurus Rex and a "Brontosaurus"
- Stop Motion: The Dinosaurs, when not done by puppetry.
- Somewhere a Paleontologist Is Crying: See the Above.
- Title Drop: "Sound the Alarm! Dinosaurus!"
- Those Two Bad Guys: Hackers men, Mousey and Jasper.